Leaders - Before You Judge Someone, Watch, Remember, and Think About This...

Leaders - Before You Judge Someone, Watch, Remember, and Think About This...

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Leaders - before you judge someone, remember this -- When we build a culture where we're providing support, as opposed to passing judgment, that's when our organizations change, that's how we get better performance, that's when we get better connection and cohesion within our organizations.

And the bonus? That's when we feel better about ourselves.

I'm also going to admit something. Sometimes the things that I see or hear people do can be frustrating. And there has been many times where I've jumped to a conclusion about someone's character because of a specific behavior that I disagree with. I'm sure you've been there right?

Whether you're a leader, manager, or supervisor in your organization, or you're just living your life, we've all seen behavior and/or performances of those around us and have made conclusions about WHO THEY ARE because of what we've observed.

I don't know about you, but if someone jumped to a conclusion about me on one of my worst days, they would not come to a flattering conclusion, nor would they be accurate.

So, why shouldn't we make judgements about others, and HOW do we avoid making this mistake?

That's what we're going to discover in this episode of Welcome to Leadership. So let's jump in so we can improve our #leadership, our #empathy, offer more support to our people when they need it.

By the way, you can get all the free episodes of Welcome to Leadership delivered to your favorite #podcast app here at https://welcometoleadership.captivate.fm/listen OR just visit https://aaronkeithhawkins.com/ and click the "follow" button on the homepage player!

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