Leaders Assemble: Lessons from an Ostrich

Leaders Assemble: Lessons from an Ostrich


So, what can leaders learn from our ostriches? - now, there's a line you didn't think you'd be reading today. But I LOVE animals and I LOVE workplace. So hey, why not combine the two for a blog...

  • Ostriches: Fairly strange animals, in look and behaviour. If they see/sense danger, instead of running, fighting, or looking for a solution, they stick their heads in the sand*, avoiding and denying the threat. (*Keep reading to find out what they're actually doing).
  • Leadership: Requiring a balance of courage, foresight, and adaptability and yet, too often, when confronted with uncomfortable truths or daunting challenges, we witness leaders who exhibit behaviours reminiscent of the ostrich’s infamous tactic.

Ok so, Ostriches, it turns out, don’t actually bury their heads in the sand to avoid danger. This myth stems from the fact that when they sense danger, they lie low and press their necks to the ground, making it appear as though their heads are buried.

Leaders who avoid confronting challenges often do so not out of ignorance, but out of fear or a lack of confidence in their ability to address the issue effectively.

Case Study (as reported in the media): Boeing 737 Safety

  • Boeing faced a series of crises related to its 737 max aircraft. Two fatal crashes—Lion Air Flight 610 in October 2018 and Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 in March 2019—resulted in the loss of 346 lives.
  • The response to these catastrophes led to the firing of then-CEO Dennis Muilenburg.
  • The Courts found that the board failed to establish a needed reporting system and turned a blind eye to safety concerns(1).
  • Shareholders reached a $237.5 million out-of-court settlement with Boeing’s current and former directors in the 737 MAX safety negligence case(2).
  • The incidents severely damaged Boeing’s reputation, finances, and relationships with airlines and regulators. The company faced production restrictions and setbacks in its recovery plan(3).

10 Lessons:

  1. It’s essential to recognise that avoiding problems won’t make them disappear. Problems left unaddressed fester and grow, eventually reaching a point where they can no longer be ignored. By then, however, the damage may have already been done, and the leader’s failure to act in a timely manner can have far-reaching consequences.
  2. Fear: Fear-based leadership leads to silence. Employees hesitate to voice concerns or share feedback. A healthy culture encourages open dialogue, where employees feel safe expressing their opinions.
  3. Transparency: When leaders avoid addressing critical issues, trust erodes within the organisation. Employees become skeptical about transparency and honest. A culture of mistrust hinders collaboration, innovation, and employee engagement.
  4. Role Modelling: Leaders set the tone for acceptable behaviour. If they avoid challenges, it becomes the norm.
  5. Innovation: A culture that avoids problems stifles innovation. Employees fear repercussions for suggesting new ideas or questioning the status quo. Innovation thrives in an environment where challenges are embraced and solutions sought.
  6. Data: Evaluate potential risks/threats and develop contingency plans.
  7. Education: Educate leaders about cognitive biases and the importance of facing problems head-on. Arm them with the tools to be confident to address challenges in a culture what will not persecute them.
  8. Ask effective questions: In times of crisis or uncertainty, questioning is crucial. It helps leaders learn, challenge assumptions, and engage others effectively. It shows the leader is vulnerable and open to learning.
  9. Lead with intention: Lead with courage, humility and discipline. Focus and fuel the most vital efforts that keep the people cohesive and engaged.
  10. Get a mentor: Somebody with experience, talk to them, listen to them, and learn.

True leadership isn’t about hiding from challenges; it’s about facing them head-on, with eyes wide open. I feel this Ostrich, is trying to look into my soul. If it looked into yours, what would it find?

Be a good human,


Further Reading:

1 - https://lowey.com/blog/the-boeing-case-when-directors-can-be-held-responsible-for-a-companys-negligence/

2- https://techxplore.com/news/2021-11-boeing-max-negligence-case-mn.html

3- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/boeing-broke-down-inside-series-110000958.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9jb3BpbG90Lm1pY3Jvc29mdC5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJ189Zv3dsF1GF6vvx0_rML1egml46hYhmn6S5ZFArGTqTNRbsDAWITg5lDQebfR-v3aSm9Hl1P7kqRbXeZ25mZ4PjJlu5J26pzvYWk55ijY83WSqp7Cst0RrRAaTSZ94gZgqZE9DIQjCu3ma61rFuHWMDbAAReCcm7yoGLcjAKm

4 - https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2020/05/12/facing-a-new-leadership-challenge-15-ways-to-tackle-it-head-on/


Simone Fenton-Jarvis BSc MBA FIWFM的更多文章

