As a leader you must earn people's trust, before expecting their commitment.
It is said that in the last century one of the great titans of the automotive industry said that for the needs of his business only the arms and legs were needed. In other words, the physical strength of his employees, and that unfortunately everything else - the full human being - came along.
Nothing could be more antagonistic to the needs of our contemporary business environment, added obviously to a much broader and more respectful vision of our - now - collaborators.
We need less arms and legs and way more minds and hearts, we need a genuine interest, a commitment to the project’s objectives, but no one who is even remotely smart will commit to someone who does not show they are worthy of their trust.
We look so eagerly for this commitment that we even assess the level of engagement of our team members.
We will do well if we first assess the level of trust we inspire in them.
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