A Leader Is a Trailblazer
Rich Keller is an expert when it comes to branding, having worked on major organizations like Godiva Chocolate or Planters Peanuts. But, what is so special about Rich is his ability to sum up brands in just ONE WORD.
A Catalyst himself, Rich has taken his talents into the personal branding game and is inspiring entrepreneurs every single day to S.C.O.R.E. or Stand-out, Conquer Obstacles, and Reach Excellence by providing them and their companies with one word to focus their personalities, efforts, and brands.
I had the fortunate opportunity to work with Rich on my one word, and to him it was obvious.
A few days ago, Arianna Huffington shared a Thrive Global article by Melanie Curtin, revealing 17 of the most powerful quotes on leadership in history.
The quote that Arianna chose was the same one that jumped out at me.
“We’re here for a reason. I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark.” — Whoopi Goldberg
The responsibility of a leader is not to hand-deliver the light at the end of the tunnel. Rather, the role of the leader is to leave these little torches for those around them, allowing others to discover their own paths.
The number one way I can help others as a trailblazer is to not give them the answers. I must drop the right clues, blaze the right trails, and throw the right little torches along the way in order to get people to where they deserve to be.
For more thoughts, feelings, and tips on leadership, life, and love, follow along below!