LEADERSHIP always starts with individuals, but where individuals work in groups (often properly named as organizations) groups can also become leaders among groups.
Organizations are vessels for people to come together to accomplish shared goals and reach further than they could on their own. On a two-word Tuesday it is only fitting that a description for such an organization that is setting the direction (Know the way. Go the way. Show the way) would be the LEADER SHIP.
The LEADER SHIP could be prominently recognized and presented as the lead. When so the term flagship is used. DynaMed Plus is a flagship product for EBSCO Health. The LEADER SHIP could also be an unknown exploring vessel that goes first. Spoiler alert – Rogue One describes a group that set out on a critical mission against the official direction but led the larger group to the path that is needed. Without the recognition they were the unsung heroes. (I won’t make up a song like last year)
I have the privilege to work with many LEADER SHIPs today. It greatly increases impact as the reach is much further than what one can do alone. It also can seem slower at times as one works through the organizational issues.