A Leader shapping the emerging World Order,Narendra Modi deserves Nobel Peace Prize !
Narendra Modi , Honble Prime Minister of India

A Leader shapping the emerging World Order,Narendra Modi deserves Nobel Peace Prize !

#NobelPrizeforpeace #TheNorwegianNobelCommittee2023 #BeritReissAndersen #AnneEnger #AsleToje #KristinClemet #JorgenWatneFrydnes #OlavNjalstad

Dear Global Citizens,

I am an Indian Navy veteran and write articles on LinkedIn that are for the global citizens in order to make them aware what that unprecendented has happended in India in last 09 years under the pragmatic , visionary and the servant leadership of Narendra Modi, the Honble Prime Minister of India.

Though all of you are aware as you all have made him the most popular leader from last four years continously and he is leading with a huge margin with your love and affection and evaluating his work for the humanity, global & and prosperity and peace.He is also among most followed political leader on Social Media.It is also well known that he has been bestowed with Highest Civilian Award by 14 nations. He has taken tour to nearly 80 nations and championed the cause of establsihing peace on earth. His stand on Russia-Ukrain War that it should be solved with peace talks & negotiation and not by war are abundently clear to the nations. He has spoken at all the international forums about it,hence, constantly brining an understanding among leaders & nations that how important is to solve disputes in spite nemerous & deep difference through mutual interactions, negotiatios and sustained efforts and his pragmatic policy against China is working to establish peace though he has a firm posture against the expantionist ideology of China. His fight against terror which is biggest impediment in establishing peace on earth as responsible for tensions in many countries. The way India has establsihed peace in J&K having a firm action against sponsored terrorism from many years is an example thar he is firm in his actions in order to establish peace.His message to Indian diasphora around the world in many countries on his visits there is loud and clear that Indians are contributing for the nation where they are residing as most responsible & peace loving community as it is centuries old traditions, culture and civilisational value system.

His vision for international Yoga Day, ISA , CDRI and fight against Terrorism at each global forum are evidently clear that he is indeed a dedicated leader who chamions the cause of peace international and during G20 presidency, he is making it absolutely clear conducting about 400 meeting of representatives of this forum and inviting 09 other non-member nations at different places of India in order to expose them about diversity of India so that this message of peace, brother hood, ethical trade practices , respect for each other and fostering international co-operation on Cyber Security, Green Energy Transition to address Climate Change, fight against terrorism, technology sharing, food security & water crisis are centre point of his vision & ideology that is to establish peace on earth for ever as has been corner stone of India since centuries as per legacy of its Civilisational Value System. The unprecendented Inclusive Development in India in last 09 years for the population at last mile is also an effort to take care of large population with best of facilitie to improve living standrdas and it goes a long way in establishing peace on earth as such a large population is provided the basic necessities what they were looking for since ages. India in his time protecte entire Indian population by two time vaccination agains Covid pandemic.India also distribute vaccine to nearly 70 countries and medicines also including to USA during pandemic. It is also that his policies in governance of india is to cater solutions so that peace prevails on earth for ever by having good relations with each other and following Indian Policies never to take any land or crossing boundary or aggression against any nation. So, he is looking for a Global coperation, brotherhood , sharing for a Prosperous Future for all, the entire humanity in all nations.

He has put accross his / India idea for the global fraternitry & nations as

One Earth One Family One Future( VasuDeva Kuttambkam) -It is amply clear that peace on earth among all nations is single most way to achieve prosperity and a sustainable future for our generations ahead.

So, I strongly apeeal the global fraternity and The Norwegian Nobel Committee 2023 , that Narendra Modi, the Honble Prime Minister of India be bestowed with Nobel Peace Prize 2023 for his outstanding contribution in making his best efforts in establsihing the peace on earth and making efforts at his disposal to fight against terrorism, climate change and cyber attacks / crimes on this earth combinedly for a better world for our future generations.

Sudhir Kumar

IoD Certified Corporate Director, ESG& DEI Expert #1bestselling author, Risk Analysis, Nuclear Tech &SMRs, Leadership, OD & Team Building, AI,Quantumn & Cyber Secu

1 年

Your support make a difference !

Sudhir Kumar

IoD Certified Corporate Director, ESG& DEI Expert #1bestselling author, Risk Analysis, Nuclear Tech &SMRs, Leadership, OD & Team Building, AI,Quantumn & Cyber Secu

1 年

Please support this initiative ??

Sudhir Kumar

IoD Certified Corporate Director, ESG& DEI Expert #1bestselling author, Risk Analysis, Nuclear Tech &SMRs, Leadership, OD & Team Building, AI,Quantumn & Cyber Secu

1 年

your support is solicited!

Sudhir Kumar

IoD Certified Corporate Director, ESG& DEI Expert #1bestselling author, Risk Analysis, Nuclear Tech &SMRs, Leadership, OD & Team Building, AI,Quantumn & Cyber Secu

1 年

Global Citizens please support this initiative for the Global Good and a sustainable future for our generations ahead.


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