Leader of the Opposition
Syd Strike
Passionate about releasing people potential at all levels. Helping new managers, develop and experienced managers to build high performing teams. Love to work with teams and team members in personal development.
Leader of the Opposition
By Syd Strike
The problem with politics described in one job description - ‘Leader of the Opposition’
I can’t help but wonder how it is possible to resolve the most difficult problems of a nation, a company, a family, religion or any relationship when people come together with opposing points of view. Polarised!!!
And yet this is the way we try and resolve issues in Parliament, in the board room and in society.
Edward De Bono radicalised the nature of meetings and problem solving when he introduced ‘Six Thinking Hats,’ a process where groups work collaboratively and constructively on the areas people agree on, rather than opposing views to resolve problems. This provides a way of discussing an issue from a range of perspectives, without creating conflict and it helps groups to move away from polarised thinking to more creative approaches to problem solving and generating ideas that help groups move forward more positively and constructively.
The principle of win-win negotiating is about collaboration rather than conflict, looking for areas we agree on and working together for winning solutions. I’m often asked to deliver training in managing difficult conversations. I get it - but then I believe there is no such thing as a difficult conversation. We create our own difficult conversions. I change the title to ‘winning conversations’ and provide a model based on self-belief and altruism. When your self-esteem is healthy and your attitude to others is positive, it’s easy to work with people without being defensive or threatened, and the results are always going to be positive.
Passion is described as an intense desire or enthusiasm for what we want or believe and is surely the source of a great deal of success and achievement. I believe there is something stronger than passion and that is passion with shared agreement and values. No one has an edge on what is right, best or the answer. Surely what is best or right comes from a genuine willingness to listen, learn from others and sacrifice entrenched ideas for the good of the whole… synergy.
Dr Stephen Covey introduced a new way of thinking in his book ‘The Third Alternative’ and talks about ?‘Magic Theatre’ a problem solving process where we embrace all ideas, from all participants and encourage ideas from people outside of our sphere of ‘expertise’ having no knowledge of the subject being discussed and therefore able to offer a totally different perspective helping avoid prejudice, bias and pre conceived thinking. Every politician should read and learn from Covey and transform politics.
I love the values of one local government I work for, three key values for me being working together, caring and respect. If you add to these values the willingness and skills to listen then I believe that we may have a chance of changing the way we communicate, negotiate, problem solve and make our homes, society, workplace and the world a better place.
Easy for me to say all of this but what can I do?
I can certainly put into practice the lessons, beliefs and skill I pass on in my training, coaching and media, and indeed I do. And I am willing to support any organisation that would welcome my help.
Meanwhile I do what I do and touch as many lives as I can with the power of positivity, altruism and kindness. I love the star fish story. A boy was throwing star fish stranded on a beach back into the sea. A man asked what he was doing. “Throwing the starfish back into the sea” the boy replied. The man laughed and asked why. The boy responded, “Because they will die.”? The man’s response was that the boy could never make a difference as there were thousands of these star fish stranded. The boy picked up another starfish, threw it into the sea and said, “I made a difference to that one.”
Every small act of kindness, helpfulness or support makes a difference.
For me, satisfaction is about helping people, touching peoples' lives. I can't save the world but if I can help one person every day, what an amazing lifetime achievement!
I am privileged to have coached hundreds of individuals and delivered training involving thousands, helping people with their career, ambition, aspirations, skills and problems. Through all of my training, coaching and mentoring experiences I have come to the conclusion that there is abundantly more satisfaction in giving than in receiving.
I would rather be a supporter than a protestor, a problem solver than an obstructor …
????????????? ?‘leader of the collaboration rather than leader of the opposition’.