Be a Leader that Creates an Impact

Be a Leader that Creates an Impact

When we talk about leadership, the first few words that come to our mind would be “helping beautify others,” and “making an impact.” Once a person attains a leadership position, their prime intention would be to make a difference. Anybody can help, but how well you inspire, motivate and influence the thinking of others makes you a true leader. Being a leader and leading with influence is a calling.

Attributes of a true leader

Leadership is not just people management skill but an attitude. People are not born with leadership skills but develop them during their lifetime with the kind of life experiences they go through. As John Maxwell states, “Leadership is Influence – nothing more, nothing less” and it cannot be truer. Regardless of one’s position, anybody can influence and create an impact on others. The following points mentioned in this blog are inspired from Book from Dale Carnegie ‘The Leader in You’:

i.?Leading over giving commands

Commanding power is often mistaken for good leadership skills. A person who is a good leader always leads by example and walks ahead of the crowd.

ii. Strong belief and sense of self

Everybody has the power to impact but one needs to believe it first to make it happen. A strong sense of self is needed for one to display a high level of confidence. As the belief to create an impact on others develops within an individual, they start to show strong leadership skills.

iii.? Active listening skills

Good communication starts with active listening. When an individual has a genuine interest in understanding what others have got to say, they get one step ahead in becoming a good communicator.

iv. Integrity

Personal values and integrity are vital in creating an impact. Nobody will be interested in following someone who does not stand by them in adverse situations. A good leader takes accountability, shares the load with the team, and shares credit for good work equally.

How to create an impact as you lead

When visualizing a leader, each individual will have a different picture. The goal of a leader is to leave an impact on others and create more leaders for future generations to come. Rather than questioning the effectiveness of leadership, the focus needs to be on how your influence affects others around you.

Let us take a look at the key areas of influence.


Logic is tied to common sense and basic reasoning. It is the attitude with which one approaches a situation and comes up with solutions. The competency in making wise and timely decisions without jumping to conclusions is a key factor that makes a leader stand a class apart.


Leaders who create an impact are humble and not arrogant. They are extremely humble and do not get agitated when their authority is threatened. That self-assurance also shapes them to be great communicators. Great leaders show emotional control by understanding the problem and responding patiently.


Leaders exhibit an unbeatable degree of perfection that arises from a deep-rooted passion for what they do. People around can see one’s passion and the energy that radiates while a task is being done.


Successful leaders do not shift blame when in trouble and take accountability for their actions. They are open to receiving feedback and do not feel threatened when their authority is in question. They are great listeners and effective communicators.


Leaders do not blame and insult others for their inefficiency. They coach, mentor, and hold their hands on their journey to unlocking their true potential. They are generous with praise and do not mince words while appreciating others.

vi.?Promoting diversity

Diversity is critical for a company’s growth and success. Leaders need to recognize the importance of diversity and be more open to everyone irrespective of their gender, and cultural and generational differences.

The true meaning of impact in leadership

Leadership is like a muscle that needs to be developed. It is an attitude that needs to be polished by practicing leadership skills regularly with determination and a positive attitude. A leader is also someone who identifies opportunities and makes the most of them. They recognize that opportunities are golden chances to prove their potential.

Impact is an influence that inspires others towards adopting positive behavior. Having influence may not necessarily create an impact even though there is an opportunity for it. For a better understanding of what creating an impact means, think of the influence parents have on their children. They have an impact on the children’s growth and behavior. All leaders influence but very few are capable of leaving an impact.?


