"Lead Yourself Through Crisis: Reset your 2020 Goals"
Lisa Sasso, MBA, CPCC, PCC
◆ Empowering Medical Device Professionals to Move from Standing Still to Climbing the Corporate Ladder◆ Executive Coach & President◆ Past President & CEO Radi Medical Systems ◆ Author of Motivation Now! ◆ MedDevCoach.com
I hope that this email finds you doing well and staying healthy.
Many individuals, my clients included, are finding themselves in new situations that have affected their goals for the year. There are those that have lost their jobs or had their job search completely interrupted, others are facing new challenges at work and having to balance person issues such as child or elder care.
To help to those in need, I am planning to present a free virtual workshop entitled “Lead Yourself Through Crisis: Reset 2020 Goals”. All are welcome.
The virtual workshop is being held at the end of June, and I plan to offer two sessions to allow everyone the chance to attend. The first session is scheduled for Wednesday evening, June 24th at 7pm. The second session is scheduled for Thursday afternoon, June 25th at 1pm. Links to register for the event are included below, and more details on the session can be found on the Eventbrite registration page.
June 24,7pm Registration Link: https://bit.ly/2020GoalReset7pm
June 25, 1pm Registration Link: https://bit.ly/2020GoalReset1pm
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Lastly, thank you in advance for the opportunity to share. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. There is no cost for the webinar, but donations can be made to Children’s Hospital.
Thanks again for your support. Please feel free to share this message with your network. The sessions are filling up fast. I hope that you can attend one of the two sessions.
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker, www.MedDevCoach.com