Lead Yourself First

Lead Yourself First

“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done..." John 14:12 NLT

How do you lead others? Is it by reading books and taking classes on leadership? Is it by delegating tasks and creating standard operating procedures? Or is it by getting promoted? None of the above. We first need to have our works, before getting others to do the same.

Whenever I notice that I encourage unhealthy habits to thrive in me, it's not long before it spills out. I feel the ripple effect around me. The bad habit doesn't get replicated, but something else deteriorates. If I am expected to be present at my duty post for a certain period and I don't show up, the ripple effect is that those who are supposed to learn from me, experience stunted growth on that learning path.

For Christ, the idea wasn't to tell us to do works but to do the works first. That way, we have a good reference point. And that's why He had the boldness to make that statement in the focus scripture. He doesn't need to prove that he can delegate tasks or inspire others. He just needs to show the path He has walked.

If self-leadership is a prerequisite to leading others better, then how can we lead ourselves?

1. Be more self-aware. I can author a book on this because it appears in almost every article I write. To be more self-aware is to know your strengths, weaknesses, values, etc. If being a perfectionist negatively affects team effectiveness, self-awareness helps us identify it as a factor to consider.

2. Regulate yourself. Control of your thoughts, emotions, speech, and actions is critical. Whenever I let my mouth say the first thing that comes to mind, it's a problem.?

3. Have some self-belief. You can either get paralysed by the feeling of helplessness or believe in yourself enough to overcome that challenge that's making you feel helpless. When you believe that you can't do it, then those you want to lead can't do it too.

4. Set a target and move. If someone else must constantly push you to do what you ought to do anyway, it means you'll be a log of wood without that person. That's too much control given away. Imagine how your children must be pushed when you become a parent. Most likely, you won't be the one pushing.

Are you proud of the works you do and the person you have become? Can you confidently pray that those you care about the most become exactly like you, doing the works you do? If not, then start leading yourself.

Today's Task: Walk the path that you want others to walk.


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