Lead Yourself, Lead Business, Lead others

Lead Yourself, Lead Business, Lead others

The Evolution of Leadership – Driving leadership of business, others and yourself through self-leadership.

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The Leadership Crisis

Today, we are facing a leadership crisis:

Who will succeed me in my position, who do we pass the business to, what’s our succession plan are just a few un-answered questions?

Who are the new leaders of the organization, how do we develop great leaders in our organization?

Lack of leadership today is costing my businesses 10-15% of annual sales.

The Current Experience & Symptoms of Lack of Leadership:

Negative working environments costs you money, time, effort, customers, employees….

? Turbulent, stressful, toxic working environment, workplace conflicts

? High turnover of employees and clients

? Talent and client acquisition challenges

? Team and Performance Issues

? People in the organization lacking work / life balance

Effective Leadership: One must know what it means to lead / One must know when to lead and when to follow

? Effective leadership today and in the future must be simultaneously flexible, adaptable, resilient and sustainable yet stable.

? Effective leadership means having self-confidence. Bringing team(s) of people together for the greater good.

? Must address the negative working environment in a strong positive way. Must be able to exert socially influence.

? Today all this is not necessarily happening and is the core issue, locally, regionally, nationally and globally.

The Call to Action: Time for change is now, from outside in to inside out

Instead of externally focused styles, qualities, skills, roles, functions, activities and responsibilities, focus must shift to the connection(s)

between personal development, growth and self-leadership and leadership of business and others.

We must recognize and nurture the relationship among self-leadership, business leadership and leadership of others.

The Solution: Aligned Open Leadership (AOL) – connect and align self-leadership to leadership of business and others

AOL consists of three distinct and interconnected parts:

Self-Leadership, Business Leadership and Leadership of Others

AOL is a holistic experiential foundational approach.

AOL uses the GAFT SPARC Methodology to generate sustainable outcomes.

AOL consists of defined processes, functions, steps, tools, and structures.

AOL utilizes The Seven Pillars of Self Leadership:

Foundation / Alignment / Transformation / Delivery & Support System / Practices / Steps / Keys

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Warren Buffet said, “The best investment you can make is in yourself.”

Similarly, this also applies to businesses investing in their people and themselves especially in their leadership development.

The Personal Impacts, Outcomes and Results:

? Understand the link amongst leadership of business, others and yourself.

? Improve personal confidence, self-esteem, engagement, communication and relationship building.

? Foundational alignment of yourself, and to the organization and its people.

? Understand HOW to discover, utilize and sustain your personal development, growth and self-leadership.

The Business Impacts, Outcomes and Results:

? Improved working environment: e.g. Reduced staff turnover, conflicts, leaves, stress

? Better corporate communications, engagement and relationships leads to increased trust, transparency and honesty

? Improved leadership leads to recovery of lost sales & improved revenue generation

? Improved performance, productivity and profitability

? Sustained delivery of the people focused message: WE CARE ABOUT YOU.

If you can’t lead yourself or don’t know how, how do you lead business or others?

The Key to business leadership and leadership of others is Self-Leadership.


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Larry Lall is a consultant at Alita Consulting in with over 30 years of experience in Technology, Management and Leadership. He is the creator of the MECC Cornerstone, a process for business, and personal, development, growth and self leadership. Testimonials: https://larrylall.com/testimonials/

Media including speaker reels, articles, podcasts, interviews: https://larrylall.com/media/

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Foundational Leadership Skills

Leadership is both art and science. The art is in finding the style of leadership that is right for you. The science is in mastering the foundational skills that differentiate strong leaders from the rest. The good news is, you can master both the art and science of leadership.?

To become a stronger leader, begin with these five foundational skills:

  1. Self awareness. Learn your patterns and habits, so you can productively manage conflict, confront difficult situations, and navigate uncertainty.
  2. Vision. Develop a vision, both for your business and for yourself as a leader. What kind of leader do you aspire to be, and what attributes do you need to develop to get there?
  3. Courage. Growth requires change, and change requires courage. To change direction, make a bold decision, or approach a problem in a new way. These all require courage.
  4. Resilience. What sets you apart as a leader is not avoiding every challenge or setback, but recovering from the ones you face.
  5. Compassion. Good leaders stretch themselves and their teams to reach a new level of performance, but they do this in a human-centered way. It is a skill to support others through discomfort without backing off.

There are numerous other skills a leader needs, from communication to decision-making, but if you don’t master the core foundational skills, you may always be wondering what’s holding you back.

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Rusty Gaillard is a business and leadership coach, working with senior leaders to scale their impact. Former Worldwide Director of Finance at Apple, Rusty combines more than 20 years of business leadership experience with executive coaching to enable business owners and executives to operate more efficiently, confidently, and decisively.

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It Starts with You

Is it narcissistic to have a focus on self-development, self-improvement, self-leadership? If the intentions and outcomes of this endeavour were to only improve one’s self-image and perhaps glean the admiration of others, then maybe so. But what if the purpose was to raise the levels of self-awareness such that you could more effectively notice when you are ‘getting in the way’ of the greater good? What if it were about developing a baseline of self-‘OK-ness’ so that you were less defensive and reactionary, more calm and centred, and therefore more able to be of service in leadership for others?

The definition of narcissism is: ‘a personality disorder characterized by self-preoccupation, need for admiration, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem’. By dedicating some of your time to leading yourself; developing a healthy ‘relationship-with-self’, with a view to keep becoming a better leader for others and your business, you are metaphorically fitting your own oxygen mask first, so you can effectively be there for others.

Begin each day with some dedicated time for developing your ability to effectively lead yourself: for example, morning meditation, affirmations, exercise etc. By creating these healthy self-care habits first, you will inadvertently be building routines that enhance your ability to be the leader for others you hope to be.

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Jem Fuller - Conscious Leadership, Communication and Culture Coach. He helps create more mindful leaders and healthier work-place cultures.?https://jemfuller.com

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Conscious Leadership is a Choice

Conscious leadership of others is a management style emphasizing the importance of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness in leading and managing others. Aware leaders recognize that their behavior and attitude significantly impact their team's well-being and performance. They strive to cultivate a work environment fostering personal and professional growth by establishing meaningful relationships and a sense of purpose.

Conscious leaders prioritize building trust and developing connections with their team members. They take the time necessary to understand each person's strengths, weaknesses, and goals. You'll find aware leaders invest in building relationships based on trust, respect, and transparency.?

One of the most fundamental aspects of conscious leadership is emotional intelligence. Aware leaders understand emotions play a crucial role in shaping human behavior. This awareness enables them to effectively identify, recognize, and manage their feelings and those of others. Conscious leaders know how to navigate critical conversations, handle conflicts, and provide constructive and empowering feedback.

Conscious leaders equally recognize the importance of mindfulness in leadership. This skill increases their capacity to be more self-aware, reflective, and compassionate. Aware leaders encourage learning, development, and innovation, producing a continuous improvement culture.?

Ultimately, conscious leaders understand the importance of purpose and meaning in the workplace. They strive to convey a sense of purpose and meaning in the workplace. Aware leaders aligned their team's goals with the organization's mission and values, encouraging a sense of connection and shared drive. This strategy ultimately results in elevated engagement, job satisfaction, and performance.

In conclusion, devote time to creating a culture of empowerment, innovation, and extraordinary performance. Ultimately, this results in massive success for their team and the company.

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Susan Shatzer?- International Energetic Empowerment Expert

Discover the unknown obstacles holding you back and delete them!

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Lead Yourself:

Leadership begins with the self. To be an effective leader, you must first lead yourself. This means taking responsibility for your actions, setting goals, and continuously improving yourself. Self-leadership involves being aware of your strengths and weaknesses, making conscious decisions, and staying committed to your goals. Self-leadership also includes taking care of your physical and mental health, managing your time effectively, and developing good habits that support your goals.

Lead Business:

Leadership is essential in business. Effective leaders inspire and motivate their teams, communicate vision and direction, and create a positive work culture. A good leader sets clear expectations, provides feedback, and encourages collaboration among team members. A leader should also be able to handle conflict, solve problems, and make difficult decisions that benefit the organization as a whole. Successful leaders understand the importance of innovation and adaptability in a constantly changing business environment.

Lead Others:

Leadership is not just about leading oneself and business; it also involves leading others. Effective leaders inspire and empower their team members to achieve their goals and contribute to the organization's success. They build trust by being honest, transparent, and consistent in their actions and communication. Good leaders also delegate tasks and responsibilities appropriately, provide mentorship and coaching, and recognize and reward team members for their achievements.

In conclusion, leadership is a multifaceted concept that can be applied to different areas of our lives. Developing and refining leadership skills can help us achieve our personal and professional goals, build successful organizations, and positively impact the people around us. So, let us lead ourselves, lead business, and lead others to success!

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Tom Maze is a Serial Entrepreneur, Coach, Consultant, and Mentor for personal growth, leadership, business development, and marketing.?https://tommaze.com

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The Key to Effective Leadership: Understand Your Values

The best leaders are the ones that “walk their own talk.”? This means that they have to follow the same rules and direction that they expect others to adhere to.? Leaders are responsible for acting with the same accountability of those that they lead.? In other words, they have to lead by example with actions and behaviors instead of words.???

What happens when you’re not sure whether your actions are authentic?? Do your personal values align with the company values? ? Do you have a full understanding of your top five values and core beliefs?

It is crucial to understand your values because they will determine your leadership style, actions, the culture and communication.? Your own individual values motivate you to get specific outcomes.? If you are aware of your values and beliefs, then you will have the ability to make clear decisions.? When you are not certain what is propelling the end results of an interaction, then you could create a less than optimal situation with colleagues.

For example, let’s say that one of your top five values is to be clear and direct.? You feel yourself to be clear and direct with others and this is important to you.? How will you treat another person who is less direct in their communication style?? When you deal with your one of your managers, who is an excellent engineer but could improve her speaking skills, will you get frustrated with their lack of clarity and discard their contributions?

In becoming an effective leader, you must first lead yourself.? This would start with an awareness of your values and core beliefs and correlating them to your leadership style.? In the example listed above, you would need to be aware and potentially make adjustments for others that don’t have the value of clarity.? You could suggest having this manager send you a five bullet-point list of the topics covered in your conversation before you meet in person, which would help with them be more organized.

And don’t forget to honor other’s values.? Because they may not share your values does not mean you can’t appreciate theirs.

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Jodi Weitz, owner of Biz Coaching Success (bizcoachingsuccess.com) works with entrepreneurs, business owners and managers so they can harness the power of leadership and build heroes in their companies.? She helps leaders evolve and find innovative ways to problem-solve challenges, break-through self-imposed limits and get significant results for scalability and increased revenues.? For a complimentary strategic coaching session, set-up an appointment at calendly.com/jodiweitz.


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