Lead with Wisdom: A Woman's Entrepreneurial Guide
By Dawn Raquel Jensen, EMBA - AI

Lead with Wisdom: A Woman's Entrepreneurial Guide

“You can’t be what you can’t see.”
- Melinda Gates

According to the Small Business Administration, women-owned businesses have higher rates of growth than their male-owned counterparts. In fact, in the United States, women-owned businesses account for 39% of all businesses, but only 4.3% of those businesses have revenues of over $1 million.

The modern business world has significantly changed to become more inclusive and diverse, with women taking on increasingly important roles in the business world. Women are now leading the way in areas such as technology, finance, and entrepreneurship, and they bring with them a unique perspective and a wealth of knowledge. This short guide is designed to provide an overview of how women entrepreneurs can lead with wisdom to become successful in their chosen field.

The first step in leading with wisdom is to understand the importance of diversity in the workplace. Women bring with them unique perspectives and experiences that can help drive innovation and create new opportunities. It is important to recognize and appreciate the value of these perspectives and to create an environment in which all members of the team can feel valued and respected.

“If you’re not making mistakes,
then you’re not making decisions.”
- Catherine Cook

In addition to creating a diverse workplace, it is important to recognize the importance of creating a supportive and empowering environment. This can be achieved through fostering an atmosphere of trust and collaboration, and providing mentorship and guidance for women entrepreneurs.

According to the International Finance Corporation, women-owned businesses are more likely to invest in social and environmental considerations than their male-owned counterparts. However, during the recent Senate Small Business and Entreprenethe urship Comee reviewed ways simplifying and improving support the loan process and improving th loan access to African-American, Latino, women, veteran, and rural business owners.

It is also important for women entrepreneurs to understand the importance of building and maintaining relationships. Women entrepreneurs should seek out mentors who can provide advice and guidance, as well as other entrepreneurs who can provide feedback and support. According to a survey conducted by the Harvard Business Review, female entrepreneurs are more likely to collaborate than their male counterparts. By developing a strong network of contacts, leaders can be benefit in terms of gaining access to resources and gaining insight into the industry.

In addition, women entrepreneurs should understand the importance of taking risks and being willing to experiment. Taking risks can lead to great rewards, but it is also essential to understand the potential risks and to plan accordingly. Women entrepreneurs should be willing to take calculated risks and to learn from their mistakes.

“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”
- Amelia Earhart

Finally, women entrepreneurs should strive for excellence in their work. Excellence is not only important in terms of achieving success, but also in showcasing the value of their work to potential investors or customers. Women entrepreneurs should strive to continuously learn and develop their skills, and to ensure they are providing the highest quality of service to their customers.

In conclusion, women entrepreneurs can lead with wisdom by creating an inclusive and diverse workplace, building strong relationships, taking calculated risks, and striving for excellence in their work. Women entrepreneurs should also be sure to recognize the value of their work and to promote themselves and their business in order to gain the recognition they deserve.

Note: The above article was written by and with the help of AI. This is a particularly example from Canva Doc's Magic Write and Pictory.ai In will be covering examples of AI and their use within the body of some future educational and informational articles.

Image of Dawn Raquel Jensen

Dawn Raquel Jensen, EMBA, merges social media, digital marketing, technology training, and business strategy together as an embedded CMO/CXO to organizations, leadership teams, and first-stage businesses. She provides coaching and deep-dive advisory and marketing support services so business owners can influence and impact the communities they serve.?Dawn founded Virtual Options in 2008 to work with successful entrepreneurs and high-performing teams. She works and speaks internationally on marketing and entrepreneurial leadership. Dawn resides as the Social Media and Marketing Adjunct Professor for Seminole State College.


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