Lead While Being Beyond Reproach
Another retention tactic is creating an environment conducive to employee satisfaction.
Happy, satisfied employees will make your organization better and they tend to stay with employers longer than disgruntled employees do.
If there is disgruntlement in your workforce, you are never going to be able to make the vision for your organization a reality.
I recognized that all leaders cannot lead the same way, however, there are some leadership tenets that leaders can practice and make their own and they will help you create an environment that is conducive to employee satisfaction. Here are five of them:
Being Beyond Reproach
I have spent years examining people who are in leadership roles and I am constantly amazed at the questionable behavior I witness.? Surprisingly, finding examples of unethical or immoral behavior in leaders is not hard to do. This discovery has reinforced the fact that one of my main leadership tenets is acting beyond reproach.
When a leader acts in an unethical or immoral manner, people will notice.? Eventually, that leader will get questioned about his/her actions, motives, and decisions.? Most questions will be accusatory in nature and will be justified.? These people saw poor behavior so they are questioning everything about the leader.? This situation is the LEADER’S fault and he/she must fix it.
When leaders are beyond reproach, in other words, ALWAYS act in a moral and ethical manner, questioning is different.? When people question the motive and behaviors of leaders who are beyond reproach, they are looking for something that is not there.? When they question these leaders, THEY own the issue and it is THEIR problem, not the leader's problem.
Don’t give people a reason to question your motives and behaviors: act morally and ethically at all times!