Lead the Way
100% out of my comfort zone

Lead the Way

The campaign is starting, and this year it feels different. I don't know why. Is it because the hangover of COVID is finally passing? The energy is different, the level of engagement has increased, people are interested and excited. Kids are helping; holding lemonade stands that raised close to $2,000 and they had FUN doing it. I stopped by their stand after our last community FUN FRIDAY that we held. The girls had sold about a million glasses of lemonade and delicious Rice Krispy treats. Neighbors, teachers, police officers, friends came out and supported their efforts. I asked them what the support meant to them and they said it was AWESOME and they were happy to see past teachers, friends of their parents and they loved how the community supported each other. These girls are entering the fourth grade and they worked together to create a concept, pitch the idea to their families, employ one of their dad's to build the stand and get the rest of their family members involved in promoting, making lemonade, treats and selling their wares for the day. They made charm bracelets as well. And the best part is that they loved every minute of their planning, creating, and execution. And it was successful for so many reasons not related to money, but they raised $2,000. At A LEMONADE STAND. The power of connection.

These girls are AMAZING!

On that same day, earlier in the day, at our last Fun Friday of the summer I was challenged by our board and community members in a funny, NOT funny way. I am deathly afraid of snakes. Like I want to pass out or run away at top speed, either is fine as long as I can check out. Well, I opened my mouth at our CEO Pacesetter breakfast at the end of July when I announced "Realm of the Reptiles" was our last entertainer and that I would be standing at the back of Foundation plaza for the afore mentioned reasons. Well, I am dumb. That room capitalized on that and within 5 minutes their were hands up in the air pledging $50 a piece to have me hold a snake at that event. I told them I wouldn't do it for less than $1,000 - the board and the community raised $1,100. I held a beautiful white rat snake that looked like she belonged in a fairy tale. I didn't pass out or run away. Kids at the event taunted me because I didn't want to wear her on my shoulders. I took a deep breath and did that too. I did however drink a fountain coke right after (thank you Ohio Fire) and take a two hour nap to disassociate from the feeling of holding a snake.

I have my eyes closed tightly behind my sunglasses.

Here is the lesson Get Out of you comfort zone. You can do it, and it doesn't have to be all the time. Learning and growth come out of it. On that last Fun Friday I reminded myself that I can do hard things. Doesn't mean I want to do it again, but I can if I need to.

Our theme for the campaign this year is "Leading the Way". It is fitting in so many ways. Teaching the youth in our community how to contribute and help in meaningful ways. Learning how to connect without judgement to all of the residents that live in our county. Pushing ourselves to do more, be more. We can do it. And, the thing I love the most about the theme is that you lead in your own way. We are all different, capable, interesting people, let's live outside our own comfort zone a bit and see what we can do and the changes we can make not only for our community but for ourselves as well. Now get out there and "Lead the Way" for your community as well!

Katie Koglman

CEO, United Way Wayne and Holmes/ Keynote Speaker, NPO Wizard & Fundraiser Extraordinaire

1 年

Yikes! ??

Kendal Meyer, MBA

Assistant Director of Development Marketing at The College of Wooster

1 年


Cameron Peden

Chief People & Development Officer

1 年

You're amazing!



