David-Isaac Arinze
Architect || Project Manager || Sustainability || BREEAM || AIEMA
Are you a dynamic leader? How well can you lead? Can you make everyone connected to you significant and relevant to your scheme of operation (vision)? No matter how diverse they are.
Jesus was a Rabbi, yet he could make fishermen, tax collectors, accountants, children, housewives, prostitutes, tent makers, and just anyone relevant to his vision.
He was not a team builder, he was a people builder. His approach was not collective, it was individual. He was able to address and relate with each one at their level.
Lead with Dynamism
Jesus was not going to heal at a wedding or walk on water while people were hungry. He was not going to rebuke a woman at the well or prophesy to the woman with the issue of blood. He knew just what to do at every point in time to relate to people's needs. That is how dynamic he was.
The Bible even records in John 6, in the feeding of five thousand (5000) men, that Jesus just wanted to know what his disciples thought of his idea to feed the people. However, he knew what he was going to do.
When he chose his disciples, he didn't use the same pickup line for all. He related to them according to their need. To the ones struggling to catch fish, he said, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men". To those trying to bury their father, he said, "let the dead bury their dead". He just knew what to say, and what to do.
While he was around, He selected only 12 disciples, but on the day of Pentecost, 120 people were gathered to be baptized with the Holy Ghost, to pursue His vision. Can people be so eager to help you pursue your vision?
After he left, the people he had mentored did exploits everywhere they went. People took knowledge of them that they have been with Jesus. He had rubbed off on them. His nature and character were evident in them. They were mere people before they met him. They became extraordinary people after they encountered him.
Leadership is about motivating ordinary people to do extraordinary things.
David-Isaac A.
That is how dynamic and effective the leadership system of Jesus was. He found fulfillment in the fulfillment of others.
Satisfaction of Leaders
Jesus was hungry on a journey, but without eating physical food, his hunger seized. That was not a supernatural miracle. It was effective leadership. He met the need of someone else, and that was enough to satisfy him.
True leaders are satisfied by meeting the needs of others.
David-Isaac A.
In a society where those with leadership tags believe their satisfaction will come when they are able to stuff their pockets with resources meant for others, it is impossible to have effective leadership.
No matter how much you stuff up, it will never be enough. That is why they keep storing, looting, and diverting.
Leadership is a choice; you must want and prepare for it.
No one is forced into leadership. If you do not want to lead, then remain where you are. It is a great responsibility to lead people. If you can take up that responsibility, then why not? Lead with passion and compassion.
Leadership is about intervention; Above and beyond the call of duty.
David-Isaac A.
A self-centered person cannot be an effective leader. If the ball has to always be at your feet, you cannot lead a squad.