Lead with Power & Grace
Karen Valencic
Collaboration & Innovation through Conflict Mastery | Best-Selling Author | Speaker | Executive Coach | Aikidoist | Online Course Creator | Everything DiSC Partner
Complimentary Masterclass Via Zoom
“Depending on the circumstance, you should be: hard as a diamond, flexible as a willow, smooth-flowing like water, or as empty as space.”— Morihei Ueshiba, founder of Aikido
For the last three decades, I’ve practiced and taught principles that balance productivity and engagement in a way that honors all those involved. My work is grounded in the martial art aikido, which I’ve practiced for 33 years. Aikido embodies the dynamics of power and grace.
When power and grace intertwine, a door opens for extraordinary positive transformation. Choosing to lead in a way that is both strong and influential, as well as compassionate, empathetic, and harmonious – lifts individuals, organizations, and even societies.
Leading with power and grace is not just for a select few but a skill anyone with commitment and desire can develop. Having a life with less friction, more engagement, and fluidity provides a type of freedom most people desire.
For leaders to sustain performance without burnout, their every interaction matters. Every exchange – with another individual, an event, or an object – will generate friction or facilitate flow. Facilitating flow is all about leading with power and grace.
In this one-hour Masterclass, learn how to:
Please visit: www.karensmasterclass.com for more information.