Unconventional Leadership Development: From "Living On The Edge" to being the "Cutting Edge"

Unconventional Leadership Development: From "Living On The Edge" to being the "Cutting Edge"

Biographical Summary - Academia.edu

Stephen M Apatow, is the President and Founder of the UN NGO Humanitarian Resource Institute, Director of Research and Development of the Humanitarian University Consortium Graduate Studies Center for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine & Law. After 20 years of advocacy and policy development work through Humanitarian Resource Institute (UN:NGO:DESA), the Humanitarian Intervention Initiative (H-II) was established to support strategic planning, development and stabilization of humanitarian emergencies that were beyond the operational capacities of the United Nations, non-governmental and relief organizations. This included optimization of defense logistics and resource capabilities, as well as expanding special protective forces for humanitarian operations, through H-II OPSEC - Intelligence, Defense, Law Enforcement Fusion.

Stephen is also the Founder of H-II OPSEC Expeditionary Operations, Pathobiologics International, United Nations Arts Initiative and Sports Medicine & Science Institute.

On 7 April 2022, prior to a podcast interview with Col. Doug Hurst, CEO, Third Order Effects, I was also ordained as a licensed ministry chaplain, by a global ministry group that included Pastor Henry Reyenga, President, of Christian Leaders Institute and Brian DeCook, JD, Chairman of the Board of Christian Leaders Institute. This marked an important step in my interfaith studies and initiatives that support of Preservation of the Force and Family (POTFF). -- 32 Years Interfaith Ministry (Christianity, Buddhism, Baha'i, Confucianism, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Atheism, Agnostic): - The Ultimate Objective: Humanitarian Resource Institute.

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H-II - The Front Line - De Oppresso Liber: Advocacy, Mediation and Policy Development Support

"When campaigning, be swift as the wind; in leisurely march, majestic as the forest; in attack, like fire; in standing, firm as the mountains. As unfathomable as the clouds, move like a thunderbolt to protect the weak." -- Adapted from "The Art of War."

"All your friends and supporters professionally and I am sure beyond all this appreciate you and what you single handedly bring to four corners of being a fully mature person to grapple what is going on in this world, from all conceivable human angles. I understand what you are stating time after time. Sometimes I have to research out to share a few lines in your post. Our content is rich in ideation, is rich depicting the situation, is full of angles to explore and show human plight to achieve a better life for many, many, many others." -- Felix Gregorian, SOCCENT FWD HQ CMDT, XO (Retired).

"Stephen, no one synthesizes the global and local threat landscape and the dangers we face better than you. Thank you for including my work and I appreciate your insights. May peace thrive!" - Farhana Qazi, Founder of Global Insights, LLC and Fellow at the Center for Global Policy. Farhana is the first Muslim woman to work for the U.S. government's Counterterrorism Center.

"Bill is great at computers, Stephen at Pandemics. Go with the pro's. For Windows Gates, for Covid-19 Apatow. Keep it up Stephen!" -- Wayne Lonstein, CEO VFT Solutions, Inc., Public Speaker, Social Media Streaming & Security Technologist, Member, Forbes Technology Council.

?Leadership Initiatives

Representative Presentations, Workshops and Media

Advisory Board

Unconventional Leadership Development: From "Living On The Edge" to being the "Cutting Edge"

Leadership development begins with a support system, that helps all team members reach their potential, focusing on their gifts, talents and capabilities. The purpose is not exploitation, but functional benefit for the mission of the team. This requires a fine balance between the need for tunnel vision during execution of a mission and capabilities that support stability, health, happiness and prosperity in the bigger picture of life. Though paradoxical, the objective is a team of leaders.?-- Stephen M. Apatow.

"Living On The Edge"

Sports Medicine & Science Institute


  • Academic: Exercise Physiology, Sports Medicine, Sabbatical 1984.
  • 1984-90: Full time training for ultra distance running, ultra-distance cycling, national & international level competition in cross country skiing and rowing.
  • 1985: Accepted to the national development camp for cycling, Olympic Training Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado.
  • 1986-89: Through the help of Tony Johnson, heavyweight rowing coach at Yale, began cross training sweep rowing and sculling with the New Haven Rowing Club.
  • Studied modern, jazz and ballet training at the Lee Lund Academy from 1985-88 and the Soviet System of Ballet Training at the Nutmeg Conservatory for the Arts from 1986-89. Graduate of the Nutmeg Conservatory for the Arts Professional Program in 1989.
  • 1987: Presentation at Rossignol Cross Country Ski Clinic, speakers included Bill Koch and Lyle Nelson coordinated by Mike Gallagher, (former Olympian and Olympic Cross-Country Ski Coach), Mountain Top Inn, Chittenden, Vermont.
  • Martial Arts: As a participant in the study of martial arts for over 20 years, classical ballet training provided a scientific method (utilizing a similar approach used in eastern bloc development programs) to optimize speed, strength, leverage mechanics, force generation and technique. Current training emphasis is Judo/Jujitsu. Founder: JudoSport International.
  • Technical consultant for Cheryl Madeux, Finalist, Lausanne International Ballet Competition in 1990. See: Regimen Changes Body: Register Citizen.
  • Technical consultant for U.S. National Team athletes from Harvard University, members of World and Olympic Festival Teams. Sports applications include professional football, national level wrestling, hockey cross-country and downhill skiing, skating and martial arts.
  • Speaker at 1990 Coaches Association Meeting for Sport Canada at the Olympic Complex in Ottawa, Canada.
  • Upon request, applications of the analysis correction and retraining procedures to enhance the joint flexibility and technical performance for classical ballet training have been applied to musculo-skeletal disorders that include entrapment neuropathies, Scoliosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Frederick's Ataxia and Multiple Sclerosis. One of our cases with Rheumatoid Arthritis was submitted to the National Arthritis Foundation Peer Review Board in 1990. Analysis and corrective procedures have been adapted to help spinal herniations for physicians at Yale Medical School.
  • Small animal veterinary application of human biomechanics procedures leads to work with hundreds of horses in dressage, hunter-jumper and western training programs. See: Expanding Human to Veterinary Biomechanics Applications.
  • 1994-98: Corrective procedures developed to enhance the technical ability of the international level dancer in ballet were adapted into dressage and hunter-jumper specific training programs for both horse and rider. This work was formally introduced as an equestrian development program at the USDF Adult Camp in Boise, ID in 1997. In 1998, the USDF Region V Adult Camp in Jackson Wyoming provided USDF University Credit for the lecture presentation on "Biomechanics and Structural Analysis of Both Horse and Rider." See: BalletEquestria: Rider & equine Development Programs.
  • 1999: Presenter at Society of State Directors of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.
  • 1999 - Present: Research and development of programs associated with the optimization of classical ballet training, Olympic development programs and specialized orthopedic applications.
  • 2002 International Sports Science Association Fitness Therapist Review: The Science and Practice of Rehabilitative Exercise integrate theory and practice in the health care arena. This specialized field utilizes information from the world of rehabilitation, pathology, functional anatomy and physiology and blends it with the world of fitness training dealing with aerobic conditioning strength training, skill development, exercise progression and prescription for special population groups.
  • 2003: "Optimization of Classical Ballet and Sports Development Programs" workshop was introduced at the 11 state American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAHPERD) Combined Convention on February 12, 2003 in Reno-Sparks, Nevada.
  • Consultancy work with all sports and Olympic development programs continues through the Sports Medicine & Science Institute.
  • Programs are accredited by the International Dance Council (UNESCO)

This work (1984-1990) led to the development of two national youth leadership and community service projects that reached hundreds of cities across the United States.

1990: Cycle Across America: National Substance Abuse Campaign


Coordinated in cooperation with the National Clearinghouse for Drug and Alcohol Information, with John Milton Wesley, Media and Public Relations Specialist, liaison to Louis Sullivan, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.

  • 6,000 mile double continental crossing, in 60 days, through 270 cities.
  • Daily youth and community talks, media interviews press conferences to open the first toll free hotline (1-800-SAY-NO-TO-DRUGS or 1-800-729-6686) that provided access to free print materials and audiovisual loan programs through the federal resource for alcohol and drug information.?
  • The largest touch outreach ever coordinated through the Office for Substance Abuse Prevention.

1991-92: U.S.A. Education/Prevention Resource Campaign: Strategic planning of pilot project coordinated in cooperation with the New York State Division of Substance Abuse Services to develop "Guidelines for the dissemination of Substance Abuse Information and Materials."?

  • The guideline was developed to help programs effectively network public health information down to the household level through at least 5 communication pathways that already exist in communities.

1993: Run Across America: Campaign for Hunger, Homelessness and Poverty


Coordinated in cooperation with the U.S. House Select Committee on Hunger and 20 national organizations that included the Tufts University, Center on Hunger, Poverty and Nutrition Policy, coordinating body for the Medford Declaration to End Hunger in the United States.

  • A 3,000 mile run, 12-25 miles per day, from Washington, DC to San Francisco, California.
  • Initiatives in 133 cities that included scheduled youth and community talks, media interviews to spotlight unmet needs of frontline programs across the United States.

"Cutting Edge"

Humanitarian Resource Institute (UN:NGO:DESA)


1n 1994, a small nonprofit organization named Humanitarian Resource Institute (HRI), was formed in Carson City, Nevada.?The mission was to address the cross section of needs defined during two national touch outreach projects, the first for substance abuse in 1990, and and second for hunger, homelessness and poverty in 1993.?HRI's first project was named Focus On America.?Through the assistance of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program (EFSNBP), the mission was to to take lessons learned, and "bridge unmet needs to untapped resources."??This project reached front line programs and EFSNBP directors in over 3100 U.S. counties, all 50 states and territories.?

1999: The successful completion of United States networks, led to the development the International Disaster Information Network (IDIN), to assist FEMA with Global Infrastructure Analysis, Contingency Planning and remediation for the Year 2000 Conversion, and then complex emergencies in 193 UN member countries.

2003: The Humanitarian University Consortium?(ProMED:ISID: Announcements 2003 (08): Humanitarian Univ. Consort.) was formed to serve as (1) an international community of scholars, (2) a bridge between Humanitarian Resource Institute and the international academic community, (3) a think tank in support of the United Nations programs and (4) the promotion of higher learning through both traditional and distance education.

Shortly thereafter, HRI was recognized as one of nine leading educational and research institutions by the National Academy of Sciences, with the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Columbia University: Center for Public Health Preparedness, Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government: Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Humanitarian Resource Institute, Johns Hopkins University: Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Center for International Studies, National Academy of Sciences, University of Maryland: Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland,?University of Minnesota: Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy. -- See:?Biological Threats and Terrorism, Assessing the Science and Response Capabilities: Workshop Summary: Forum on Emerging Infections, Board on Global Health. "Front Matter, " Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2002.

2009: HRI formed the United Nations Arts Initiative to promote "Arts Integration Into Education," connecting educators, artists and entertainment industry, who have the innovation, creativity and intimate connection with the grassroots level, to impact prioritized humanitarian emergencies and relief operations. The United Nations Arts Initiative helps both artist and grassroots leaders with strategic planning, critical analysis, expert think tank development for background discussions, peer reviewed data compilation and communications that engage decision makers and audiences in a target demographic.

One of the first Arts Integration Into Education projects was the Humanitarian Intervention Initiative (H-II), focusing on awareness of "Non Lethal Fires"?hearts and minds as a new international strategic focus for Humanitarian Intervention with an objective of ending or reducing the suffering that is the result of civil war, humanitarian crisis, or crimes of genocide. The goal of humanitarian intervention is minimization of the suffering of civilians in a particular state in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

2011: H-II OPSEC Expeditionary Operations was established to support strategic planning, development and stabilization of humanitarian emergencies that were beyond the operational capacities of the United Nations, non-governmental and relief organizations. This included optimization of defense logistics and resource capabilities, as well as expanding special protective forces for humanitarian operations, through H-II OPSEC - Intelligence, Defense, Law Enforcement Fusion.

2011-Present: Global Special Operations Network - Intelligence - Defense - Interpol - LEO Fusion Support: HRI: H-II OPSEC focuses on mediation, advocacy, policy development, education, communication of peer reviewed data and analysis through Special Operations Support Network to Intelligence: Defense: Interpol: LEO Networks in 192 Interpol member countries.

H-II OPSEC Expeditionary Operations

Focus Areas:

? Security: Risk Management

? Explosives Threat Analysis

? Chemical and Biological Incidents

? Protective Counterintelligence, Countermeasures

? Security and Access Control Vulnerabilities

? Defense Against Chemical, Biological, Radiological Hazards

? Incident Response

? Operational Medicine

OPSEC Professional Development


Anti-Terrorism Officer Course; S2 Institute: December 2011.

Legal Aspects of Combating Terrorism: NATO: JADL, March 2012.

IED Awareness: NATO: JADL, April 2012.

Principles of Counterinsurgency (COIN): NATO: JADL, April 2012.

Definitions, Dimensions and Categories of Terrorism : NATO: JADL, October 2012.

Defense Against Suicide Bombing: NATO: JADL, October 2012.


Fundamentals of CBRN Defence: NATO: JADL, April 2012.


Space Support: NATO: JADL, January 2013

Exploitation Analysis

Cyber Defense: NATO: JADL, November 2012.

Certified Biometrics Security Professional - Engineer Program: Saifirst Corporation, November 2012.

Certified Counterintelligence Threat Analyst: McAfee Inst, Jan 2015.

Human Trafficking

Combating Trafficking in Human Beings: NATO: JADL, April 2012.

Human Trafficking: Causes, Consequences, Counter-Strategies: NATO: JADL, October 2012.

Maritime Interdiction Operational Training

MIO's Orientation - Units Preparation for MIOs: NATO: NMIOTC, JADL, August 2012.

MIO Execution: NATO: NMIOTC, JADL, August 2012.

Boarding Team Tactical Planning (MTP): NATO: NMIOTC, JADL, September 2012.

Boarding Team Psychology: NATO: NMIOTC, JADL, September 2012.

Suspect Vessel's Crew Psychology: NATO: NMIOTC, JADL, September 2012.

Boarding Execution: NATO: NMIOTC, JADL, September 2012.


Major Incident Medical Management (MIMMS): NATO: JADL, April 2012.

NATO/Partner Senior Medical Staff Officers' Course (SMSOC) Module: : NATO: JADL, May 2012.

Medical Response in Hostile Environments: Medical Corps, November 2005.

Member: Special Operations Medical Association (SOMA).

Current: Director, Research & Policy Development: Humanitarian Resource Institute

(UN:NGO:DESA): Humanitarian University Consortium Graduate Studies Center for Medicine,

Veterinary Medicine & Law (2000-Present), NAVLE:USMLE 1-2 (Prep: 2002), ACLS (82), EMT-B (80).

Mountain Operations

Dangers and Risks in the Mountains: Slovenia Armed Forces ADL, NATO: JADL, May 2012.

Survival Skills in the Mountains: Slovenia Armed Forces ADL, NATO: JADL, May 2012.


Commander and Staff in Comprehensive Operations Planning & Decision-Making: NATO: JADL, July2012.

Comprehensive Operations Training Course: NATO: JADL, April 2012.

Multinational Crisis Management: NATO: JADL, April 2012.

Critical Infrastructure Awareness: NATO: JADL, April 2012.

Rapid Response Team Expert Training: NATO: JADL, April 2012.


NATO: Civil Emergency Planning: NATO JADL, September2012.

NATO Resource Support to Operations: NATO JADL, March 2013.

Peace Keeping

Peace Support Operations: NATO: JADL, April 2012.

Peace Keeping Techniques: NATO: JADL, April 2012.

Crowd and Riot Control (CRC): NATO: JADL, May 2012.

Conflict Management and Negotiation (v.2): NATO: JADL, May 2012.

Weapons Certification

Advanced Skills Handgun 2 Day: Academi, October 2012.

Pistol 101, 102, 103: D. Devlin, USSOF, May 2015.

Rifle 101, 102, 103: D. Devlin, USSOF, May 2015.

Special Operations

Intro to NATO Special Operations, NSTEP, May 2012

Fundamentals of NATO Special Operations Component Command Operations: NSTEP, May 2012.


Combined Joint Forces Special Operations Component Command Operations Staff Officer: JADL,

January 2013.


Human Intelligence for Law Enforcement: S2 Institute: August 2013. Level 3: U.S. Government Only

Human Intelligence for Special Operations Personnel: S2 Institute: July 2013. Level 3: U.S. Government Only

WMD & The Intelligence Function: S2 Institute: July 2013. Level 3: U.S. Government Only


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