Lead, Follow or Get Out of The Way!

Lead, Follow or Get Out of The Way!

So I am here to teach anyone. I am here to challenge you to lead, follow or get out of the way! Only if you don't know how to lead or how to lead effectively can I help where I can. I am not even your leadership guru, but I can contribute something that can make a difference in your leadership. Listen carefully;

We have a global leadership crisis.

  1. There are too few real leaders everywhere in the world. We need more leaders and you must become one.
  2. We have too many people in formal positions of leadership but who are not leading. These people must start leading for real or they must get out of the way instead of wasting everyone's time and compromising the lives of people in their companies, organisations, economies, countries and societies
  3. We have people in positions of leadership who are practising catastrophic or dangerous leadership and I am begging these people to reconsider their leadership. They can change their leadership modus operandi without even leaving their positions of leadership.
  4. We have people are standing in the way of real leadership but who are not leading, these people must either lead or follow or get out of the way.

These things are happening in all leadership spaces and zones.

>These things are happening in corporate leadership

>These things are happening in organisational leadership

>These things are happening in political leadership

>These things are happening in business leadership

>These things are happening in environmental management leadership

>These things are happening in economic leadership

>These things are happening in country leadership

>These things are happening regional leadership

>These things are happening in continental leadership

>These things happening in global leadership

>These things are happening in community leadership

>These things are happening in sustainable development leadership

>These things are happening in climate action leadership

>These things are happening in spiritual leadership

>These things are happening in economic turnaround leadership

>These things are happening in business turnaround leadership

>These things are happening in marketing leadership

>These things are happening in strategic leadership

>These things are happening in visionary leadership

>These things are happening in departmental leadership

>These things are happening in team leadership

These things are happening!

They are happening everywhere!

>They are even happening in leadership training, education, equipment and development

>They are even happening in self-leadership

Yes, even in self-leadership

Lead yourself, Follow yourself or Get Out of the Way.

Self-leadership is the foundation of outstanding leadership! You get it?

Self-leadership is the foundation of outstanding leadership!

Self leadership. Leading yourself.

Like Simon Bere leading himself, not leading you or someone else.

Yes, leading myself.

I must lead myself, or follow myself or get out of my way.

That way I create room for someone to lead me.

Yes! Yes! Everyone needs leadership.

I need leadership

You need leadership

He needs leadership

She needs leadership

Even people in positions of leadership need leadership

Presidents need leadership

Pastors need leadership

Chief Executives need leadership

Board chairpersons need leadership

Chief Executive Officers need leadership even more than anyone else.

Listen properly,

The higher your position in a company, organisation, business, economy or society, the more leadership you need.

Yes. Tell them Simon Bere said so if you are afraid of belling the cat.

Now, let ask you?

  1. Does what I have said here make any sense to you?
  2. Are you leading or following?
  3. Do you wany to lead or follow?
  4. Are you standing in the way of leadership not following anyone in anything

If you want to start leading

If you want to improve your leadership performance or results

If you want to change your leadership for the better

Don't worry

Simon Bere is there

Many other people are there in the world to help you.

Do something about leadership!

Do it now!

Be a great leader or be a great follower.

[email protected] ?+263-77-444-74-38

?Simon Bere, 2024


Environmental Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)的更多文章

