Lead AI Strategically
If the definition of strategy
is a plan of action to achieve major aims,
what’s your AI strategy?
In other words, what are your major aims with AI and what’s your plan of action to make it happen?
As we look ahead, when strategic planning with your team, remember that all-important word.
What word?
Not AI.
Whether you’re exploring the potential of AI as an element of your strategy, or strategising about something else, keep in mind that a successful plan of action ultimately depends on your people. Even if an aim of the plan is to automate some workflows, successful automation depends on people adapting their ways of working.
So make sure your strategy not only makes logical sense but also emotively inspires forward. By co-creating your strategy with your people.
For example, the first draft of our AI strategy statement reflected many other organisations’ AI strategies:
Leverage AI to gain efficiencies
across business processes
to reduce costs and
increase return on investment.
It made perfect sense – but lacked the emotional connection needed to inspire a successful transformation. In other words, even though in this instance it was hand-crafted, it may as well have been written by a robot.
So we personally rewrote it:
Redistribute our time
to higher-value work
by upgrading workflows
with AI advances.
Purposefully not clearly defining what ‘higher-value work’ means. Thereby creating space to engage and vision together what higher-value work might look like.
Whether it means more profitable.
More meaningful.
Or unexpectedly discovering that sometimes it might mean a chance to do repetitive seemingly boring work. Giving teams a revitalising break from the pressures and mental demands of creative problem-solving work.
Creating higher-value outputs.
Through lower-value inputs.
Inspire forward with new possibilities
As a Futurist living on the edge of the world, I’ve presented on stages and screens across the globe from San?Francisco to South Auckland to Sydney.
Gain momentum by shifting perspectives
Facilitation is a complex process. In a complex world it’s only getting more complex. Fortunately it’s the complexity of facilitating that inspires the way we work.
Upskill to transform the future
Adaptive. Digital. Collaborative. Diverse. Inclusive. If you look at the critical shifts happening within modern workplaces, they’re designed to enable organisations to become more responsive.