Gilbert Boffa launching soon for Women to help spread the word for 1 in 9 with a debilitating illness treated years ahead of current methods of diagnosis. Ask your doctors. Seeking sponsors to spread the word.
It's been a long time since I Helped the Sheriff's/Perin Court to locate more of those owing civic fines, but still, some governments & businesses are not as effective as they should be at getting paid on time. I see the same simple mistakes being repeated every day reducing cash flow.
LEARN How To Get Paid First, NOT Last. - So Contact Me First.
It's not Rocket Science but Lots of Big Companies Are Still Missing Out on Getting Paid Sooner. So obvious to me but not to them. Imagine if you could get an extra 10% to pay sooner? How Would that affect your Business? Big Business is Different to Small Business Credit Control.
# Some people make it difficult and so I show businesses & governments simple techniques and with some Innovative methods I can help increase payments coming in sooner.
Some people say they just want to get paid and that is what everyone wants except they want to get paid first not last and certainly not miss out altogether. So many risk getting paid last or not at all by the way they present themselves. When you have a cash flow problem it might be worth getting some advice.
I remember getting in an unsigned quarterly interest cheque for $250,000 for my employer at the time, I rang up the now well-known borrower to advise and banked the cheque unsigned, no problem.
"There is no excuse for purposeful waste" yet businesses waste their best-talented people by not encouraging them to experiment with finding better solutions for basic problems.