Laziness really IS next to godliness
Club President London Debaters
President at Toastmasters International UK & Ireland
At least according to the voting participant at 104 London Debaters' debate meeting Tuesday 27th September. The motion for the prepared debate in the second half of the meeting was "This House Believes Laziness is Next to Godliness", and before the debate 8 voted in favour, 9 against and 10 abstained. After the debate the Proposition had won over 5 doubters and won with 13 in favour, 9 against and 5 abstaining.
In the first part of the meeting we had Improvised Mini-Debates (or Table Topic Debates as we call them), a session that was led by our former president and table topic maestro Lo Luong Lo (below). Best improvised speech was by Sarah Beckwith, an experienced debater and public speaker.
In total we had 35 participants, 12 on Zoom and 23 in the room, at 46-47 Russell Square, London. After the meeting, those who had turned up at Russell Square tottered over to the Queen's Larder Pub, where a room had been reserved, for a well-deserved drink and chat. Remember: after the debate there are no opponents, only fellow debaters.