Laylat al-Qadr. Will it happen again?
Laylat al-Qadr. Will it happen again?
Professor Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali
Abstract. The Spirit is part of the command of God, and it is part of the energy of the information stored in the knowledge of the book that was part of Preserved Tablet (Al-Lawh Al-Mahfouz) and the small part of this informational energy is granted to humans. For this divine energy to reach humans, Angels such as Gabriel must be present in order to transfer this energy that lies outside the awareness of humanity, so that human consciousness is unable to perceive and know.
This means that this energy must be transformed into energy capable of our perception and awareness, and that is why Gabriel is called the “trustworthy spirit” because he undertakes the process of transforming energy (the spirit) accurately and safely. The Night of appreciation is better than a thousand months. The speed of ascending (ascending) of angels is the same as the speed of their descent, meaning that the speed of descending of angels and the soul = 60.8 times the speed of light. Laylat al-Qadr occurred in the upper heavens far from the sun and the earth, and therefore there is no room for the succession of night and day (as happens on the earth), but there is only permanent night, and from here the temporal timing of Laylat al-Qadr is the night, and the spatial timing is the upper heavens. Laylat al-Qadr happened and ended and will not be repeated - yes, this is the truth, and here is the evidence for that:1- Laylat al-Qadr came exclusively linked to the revelation of the Noble Qur’an, and we did not hear that it occurred with the revelation of the Torah to Moses, the revelation of the Gospel to Jesus, or any other event. That is, The non-revelation of the Qur’an = the non-occurrence of Laylat al-Qadr. and the recurrence of the of Laylat al-Qadr = the recurrence of the revelation of the Noble Qur’an again, and this will not happen because we believe in the fact that there is only one Qur’an that was revealed once from the One God
I know that this research may shock most people, but it was the result of pondering the verses of the Holy Qur’an and taking the data of modern science. Let us recall the meanings of some of the Qur’anic terms:
The Spirit: It is part of the command of God and it is part of the energy of the information stored in the knowledge of the book that God referred to him in his saying ( The disbelievers say, “You are not a (Noble) Messenger (of Allah)”; proclaim, “Allah is a Sufficient Witness between me and you, and (so is) he who has knowledge of the Book- And the small part of this informational energy is granted to humans ( And they ask you about the spirit. Say: The spirit is from the command of my Lord, and you have been given only a little knowledge) Al-Israa, verse 85 - For this divine energy to reach humans, Angels such as Gabriel must be present in order to transfer this energy that lies outside the awareness of humanity, so that human consciousness is unable to perceive and know.
This means that this energy must be transformed into energy capable of our perception and awareness, and that is why Gabriel is called the “trustworthy spirit” because he undertakes the process of transforming energy (the spirit) accurately and safely.
The night of appreciation (Laylat al-Qadr): appreciation comes in the Holy Qur’an in the sense of calculations. What is the relationship of Laylat al-Qadri with calculations or mathematics? The relationship is very strong, as clarified by the verses of the Qur’an:
1- (The Night of appreciation is better than a thousand months). Al Qadr, verse2.
2- (They challenge you ?O Prophet? to hasten the torment. And Allah will never fail in His promise. But a day with your Lord is indeed like a thousand years by your counting) Al Hajj, verse 47.
From 1 & 2 - we conclude that Laylat al-Qadr = two hours with God Almighty - How is that? Laylat al-Qadr = 1000 months, and the day with God = 1000 years.
?So Laylat al-Qadr = 1 ? 12 of the day = part of the 12th part of the day = 2 hours -
The speed of the angels and the spirit: (The angels and the spirit ascend unto him in a Day the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years) – Al Maarij, verse 4.
Since speed = distance ÷ time, and by fixing the distance, the measure of speed is the opposite of time, and since time is 1/50000 years = 1/50000 x 365.
So, the speed of the Angels = 18,25,000 units of speed -
And compared to the speed of light = 18.25.0000 ÷ 300000 (the speed of light) = 60.8 times the speed of light.
Intuitively, the speed of ascending (ascending) of angels is the same as the speed of their descent, meaning that the speed of descending of angels and the soul = 60.8 times the speed of light.
We come to the determination of "night" - is it the globe night that we know and live in? Certainly, it is not the temporal night of the earth, otherwise the Night of appreciation will not be found in the sky of the western hemisphere for those who exactly live the day at timing of the Night of Decree in Mecca, for example! “The Night of appreciation” will not be valid in areas that are geographically far from Mecca due to the presence of the day and the sun at that time.
?And if the Heritages people (Sunna Believers) understood these astronomical facts, what do you think their behavior would be to get out of the impasse? I think that they will resort to their stupid interpretations that contradict the Qur’an, reason and logic, so they will seek the help of their friend, the bull, who carries the earth on his horns (as far as they know), and their mind will come up with a genius idea that the bull “may God be pleased with him” will move his horns at a terrible speed to help the people of the globe who live in the western half of the earth. They can hijack moments from Laylat al-Qadr- The fatwa is spread on satellite channels and social media platforms, and the sheikhs come to them and are proud of their diligence and genius in solving the astronomical dilemma, and thanks to their friend bull.
So where is the truth? The truth is that we look at the matter with a narrow horizon and mentality, which led us confining the occurrence of the Night of appreciation in the lower sky within the framework of the “solar system” i.e., with the earth rotating around the sun, so this is the root of the confusion occurred. Rather, the truth is that Laylat al-Qadr occurred in the upper heavens far from the sun and the earth, and therefore there is no room for the succession of night and day (as happens on the earth), but there is only permanent night, and from here the temporal timing of Laylat al-Qadr is the night, and the spatial timing is the upper heavens.
So, this means that Laylat al-Qadr happened and ended and will not be repeated - yes, this is the truth, and here is the evidence for that:
1- Laylat al-Qadr came exclusively linked to the revelation of the Noble Qur’an, and we did not hear that it occurred with the revelation of the Torah to Moses, the revelation of the Gospel to Jesus, or any other event. That is, The non-revelation of the Qur’an = the non-occurrence of Laylat al-Qadr.
and the recurrence of the of Laylat al-Qadr = the recurrence of the revelation of the Noble Qur’an again, and this will not happen because we believe in the fact that there is only one Qur’an that was revealed once from the One God.
2- There is no sane person who believes that the original energy version of the Qur’an in the form of the Preserved Tablet (Al-Lawh Al-Mahfouz ) was in Arabic or other languages, because the truth is that this formula of the Preserved Tablet was outside the comprehension of mankind and the human consciousness is unable to absorb and know it, so it was necessary to have experts in energy to transform the original Qur’anic energy and transfer it from the unaware (outside human consciousness) to the perceivable, so that our human knowledge enters, and therefore it can be formulated in the Arabic voice and tongue. And we learn this from the Almighty's saying (And so We have sent to you ?O Prophet? a revelation by Our command. You did not know of ?this? Book and faith before. But We have made it a light, by which We guide whoever We will of Our servants. And you are truly leading all to the Straight Path) Ash-Shu'ara verse 52. And said (Which the trustworthy spirit Gabriel brought down into your heart ?O Prophet so that you may be one of the warner’s) Ash-Shu'ara, verse 193,194. ?Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooz is like the software that contains the Holy Quran program.
?Note that “We have made it a light” carries the meaning of transforming into a luminous energy, because making = became and transformed - and God Almighty sent Gabriel with the Qur’an after Gabriel made it an epistemological formula that the mind and awareness of the Messenger “peace be upon him” could comprehend, and thus it became in the clear Arabic tongue.
3- God Almighty said (That night the angels and the ?holy? spirit1?descend, by the permission of their Lord, for every decreed order) Al-Qadr, verse 4. ?The word descending was mentioned in the context of the verses that talk about the gradation in the spatial and moral descent of the angels, and this suggests that the angels gradually descend in the level of energy until they reach the appropriate energy that adapts to the awareness of humans, and that humans can download it. Even the physical laws decide that the energy molecules when they are transmitted from the level of higher energy to the level of lower energy, the difference in energy emits out in the form of light energy (Surely those who say, “Our Lord is Allah,” and then remain steadfast, the angels descend upon them, saying, ? “Do not fear, nor grieve. Rather, rejoice in the good news of Paradise, which you have been promised) Fussilat, verse 30. What is the purpose of the angels descending upon those who upright and faithful to our Lord Allah? To provide them with the light energy that calms them down and removes their worry and sadness.
4- The verb “the angels descend” is a description and a predicate sentence in the context of actions that took place in the past, as evidenced by the beginning of the narration of events by the Almighty’s saying, “We sent it down” on the Laylat al-Qadr - to saying (the angels and the spirit descend therein). This invalidates the opinion of those who cite the verb "to descend" as an indication of the recurrence of Laylat al-Qadr in the future - because their opinion contradicts the context of the Qur'anic verses and the rules of the Arabic language.
5- Whoever contemplates the verses of the Noble Qur’an will notice the description of Laylat al-Qadr with three distinct characteristics, all of which deny the recurrence or continuity of Laylat al-Qadr.
A- A blessed night means that the informational energy and its translation into (cosmic events), which was accomplished on this night, exceeds the cosmic energy achieved in a thousand months of the life of the universe. This is considered a process of pressure on the temporal-spatial structure of the universe.
B-Peaceful night: ?Although there was great pressure on the temporal-spatial structure of the universe, however, the process was tightly secured and passed peacefully (Peace night). Almighty said (It is all peace until the break of dawn) Al-Qadr verse 5. The temporal pressure continued to culminate in the emergence of a new formula for the Holy Qur’an (The emergent Dawn) = a copy translated into a language that humans understand - do not think that the process of converting the Qur’anic energy was a simple matter. Rather, it is about complex calculations and chemical, physical and molecular interactions that exceed the fusion nuclear reactions that occur in the sun, for example (to produce solar energy such as heat and light).
C- Processing: God said (On that night every matter of wisdom is ordained) Ad-Dukhan, verse4. = In this night, Discrimination, dispersal, and strict control of the matter occur, because (the angels descend That night the angels and the ?holy? spirit descend, by the permission of their Lord, for every decreed matter) Al-Qadr, verse 4. and this is what we call it in the language of science “the digital processing of informational energy ” and this is what happened on Laylat al-Qadr where the Qur’an was revealed all at once after it was transmitted and transformed (by the Spirit Gabriel and the angels) into a formula and energy that we can perceive - and for approximation, like pressing your finger on a computer button or the mobile phone, so you will immediately see a picture, music, the name of a person you want to contact, or a message you write - meaning that the kinetic energy that was transmitted through the buttons of the computer and the mobile phone has been processed and controlled tightly to turn into sound or light energy.
One of us may ask why Gabriel and the angels were not mentioned when the Torah or the Tablets were revealed to Moses? - Because God Almighty enabled Moses to receive the formula of the Torah directly without the need to process the Torah and transform his energy and transfer it from the unperceived (outside the human consciousness) to the perceivable. The God Almighty said (And I chose you, so listen to what is revealed) Taha 13- (He said, O Moses, I have chosen you over the people with My messages and with My words) Al-A’raf 144-
As for Jesus, his condition is different because his cells and DNA were loaded with smart genes (which he inherited from his virgin mother). We have already proven that these smart genes enabled Jesus to receive energy and treat it directly. This includes the energy of the Bible, the energy of healing the blind and the leper, and seeing things and images directly from the electromagnetic waves spread in the atmosphere without the need to process them through devices such as computers, mobile phones or televisions. And through the visual images that come to Jesus directly through the electromagnetic waves, he can know what people store in their homes of food and other things.
Conclusion: Laylat al-Qadr occurred exclusively for the sake of descending and transmitting the original copy of the Holy Qur’an and transforming its energy and its formula that exists outside the perception of human consciousness into a formula that human consciousness can perceive and know, so it was necessary to have a work team (Gabriel and his assistants from among the angels) because they are experts in transferring energy and transforming it, and thus:
1- Laylat al-Qadr happened once and will not be repeated like the revelation of the Noble Qur’an once
2- It is not the function of estimating people’s livelihoods and their fates