Layers of Mobile Application
Sarathi Kannan
Technical Lead | Mobile Application | iOS | SwiftUI | Swift | Combine | Objective C | Flutter | Dart
If you consider Any Mobile application it contains 3 layers.
UI/UX Layer:
The Name it self speak about the behaviour of this layer as User Interface Layer. This layer has UI components such as Text, Button, Table, Images, Sliders etc. All the design of application appears in this layer where user can interact from this layer and navigate among the pages.For example when user do some action like tap on Button, the action handle in the Business Logic Layer.
Data Layer:
This Layer manages and provides the data such as store, retrieve?, cache and delete the data. Database ,Network (Connecting server through Rest API) Model are involved in this layer.
Business Logic Layer:
This layer is very important layer, it acts as the middle ware of UI/UX layer and Data Layer. The data exchange from UI/UX to Data layer and vice versa is handled in this layer.Hence designing business layer is very important in any mobile application and based on this layer only architecture pattern is designed for any mobile application.