Layering Compliance: Where GDPR, Privacy Shield, and NISD Meet
Thoughts from last week’s Privacy. Security. Risk. event presented by IAPP Privacy Academy and CSA Congress.
This past week I had the privilege of joining colleagues in the privacy field at the Privacy. Security. Risk. (PSR) conference in San Jose. To anyone looking for an opportunity to learn from the best in our field, connect with fellow privacy professionals, and engage in the top privacy issues of today, I recommend attending this annual conference.
Some common themes presented themselves at the conference, emerging from conversations with fellow conference-goers and in discussions spurred by the session topics. The most popular session topics by far were related to:
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
EU-US Privacy Shield Framework
Network and Information Security Directive (NISD)
All three have far-reaching implications for domestic U.S. businesses with customers abroad, U.S. headquartered multinationals, and E.U. companies that export data from the Eurozone. Below are some thoughts around three recent developments in to privacy law, informed by my time attending sessions at PSR.
To read the rest of the article, please see to my blog post on the RADAR website.