Laws of Physics cannot be argued.... Or can they?
For some time now there is this myth about what works best in radar based level measurement, and please would you all be so kind to open up to just the laws of physics. They, more often than once, will lead you to the right conclusion. You do not need a technical specialist, or smart sales man to explain you this. Especially in Europe where we take so much pride in knowing the physics, why do we get confused about what is best all the time.......
The Laws of Physics cannot be argued right?
Download the white paper below and learn a bit more on radar based level measurements and to what extend the actual frequency range will influence the level measurement.
Radar level transmitters on the market use different microwave frequencies – so which one is best? Laws of physics makes “the best choice” vary depending on specific application challenges. Read more about the pros and cons of the various microwave frequencies from a level measurement perspective in our new white paper.