When stakeholders clash over algorithmic priorities, it's essential to bridge gaps and align interests. Consider these steps:
- Engage in active listening to understand each viewpoint thoroughly.
- Identify shared objectives to highlight common goals across differing opinions.
- Propose a phased approach to incorporate various priorities over time.
How do you reconcile different stakeholder interests in your projects?
I navigate conflicting viewpoints by focusing on data and aligning algorithm priorities with the business goals. I present clear, data-backed evidence on how certain algorithm features or improvements can benefit the overall objectives, helping stakeholders understand the impact of different priorities.
This will help for sure ? Empathize, don't argue - Put yourself in their shoes and acknowledge their concerns. Clarify, don't assume - Ask probing questions to understand their priorities and goals. Avoid making assumptions, and instead, seek concrete examples and data. Prioritize together - Collaborate to create a shared understanding of the top priorities. Use a prioritization framework like MoSCoW or Kano to facilitate the discussion. Find the sweet spot - Identify areas where stakeholders' priorities align. Focus on those areas and allocate resources accordingly. Communicate, don't hide - Keep stakeholders informed throughout the development process. Thank me now ??