Lawn Care For Beginners: the Dos and Don'ts
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Lawn care for beginners isn’t rocket science. Following these tips and tricks will get you started down the path towards a brighter and healthier landscape!
Spring and early summer are great times to learn lawn care for beginners.
There are a couple of things you should know before you begin getting your hands dirty.
Lawn care for beginners is an exciting time. Whether you’re trimming your grass to perfection or embarking on a complete landscape overhaul, there are a few things you should keep in mind.
The dos
The first step to a healthy lawn and lush outdoor landscape is determining the condition of your environment. Take note of your yard; is it filled with stubborn weeds? Is your property riddled with dead patches of yellow grass? Regardless of the situation, knowing your lawn allows you to plan accordingly.
DO develop a plan
After you've properly assessed the state of your lawn, you can begin developing a maintenance plan. Lawncare typically contains five main elements:
Each of these factors is important for maintaining a lush and charming lawn.
DO weeding often
Weeds don't only take away from your lawn's visual aesthetics, but its health as well. Weeds can steal sunlight, water, and other nutrients from your grass. You can remove weeds and their roots by hand. You can also utilize professional services or chemicals to kill off stubborn weeds.
DO mow your lawn when it's dry
Although you may be tempted to mow your lawn right after it rains; don't! Trimming and cutting wet grass can lead to plant fungal diseases, soil damage, and even injury. Practice patience and wait until your lawn is completely dry to begin mowing.
DO test the pH of your soil level
You'll need to conduct a pH test on your soil to determine what fertilizer to use, what plants will grow best, and what your lawn needs. Thankfully this process is incredibly straightforward and easy to follow. We recommend this?guide?by The Spruce to get you started!
DO plant seeds around troubled spots
To properly care for your lawn, you'll want to seed any thinning or yellowing patches of grass. You'll need to first identify what type of grass you have and what compatible species. You can find a helpful guide?here. Once you've figured out the correct type of grass and seeds you need, spread them out across patchy and damaged areas. Be sure to read all the guidelines and instructions on the bag to avoid overseeding.
DO water early in the morning
Watering your grass early in the morning is another way to keep it looking full and vibrant. The early morning gives your lawn enough time to dry properly. Overexposure to moisture can encourage disease and lead to unhealthy plants.
The don'ts
It's not uncommon for homeowners and beginners to make mistakes when caring for their lawns. I mean, you just cut the grass when it gets too high, right? Unfortunately, this isn't the case. Much more goes into proper lawn maintenance and care. Here are some mistakes to avoid!
DON'T cut your grass too short
Dedicating a day out of your week to mowing your lawn seems like a great idea. However, mowing too often or too short can damage your landscape. Mow your lawn as needed instead. For the best results, hold off on trimming until your grass has grown ? over its previous height.