Lawn Care 101: Overseeding- Rogaine For Your Earth

Lawn Care 101: Overseeding- Rogaine For Your Earth

There's a long list of correctable lawn problems: ranging from soil compaction to poor air circulation. Periodically Thatching and Aerating your lawn (see previous Lawn Care 101 articles) will resolve most lawn woes, however if you are still missing some green in your life, another thing you can do is called overseeding. This is the simple term for small-time grass farming, planting green babies, Rogaine for your earth, turf procreation, you get the idea.

There are many reasons why overseeding your lawn may be the answer: perhaps your older lawn was established with a common type of turf grass that no longer suits the need of today's homeowner OR your overall general neglect has caused poor grass-growing conditions. Let's be honest with ourselves. How do you determine if your ragged lawn simply needs some TLC or should be put out of its misery? Judge on a 50% basis: if your lawn has less than 50% healthy turf, look out for our next article regarding sod.

So if your yard is looking old, tired and worn like that high school sweatshirt you have to constantly save from your disgusted wife, you should visit your local hometown rental store for an overseeder. An overseeder will crawl beautifully and effortlessly over your entire yard cutting small slits and nestling the seed gently and safely into the dirt. Singing lullabies will hopefully be in the newer models. When purchasing your grass seed make sure to do your research as there are countless grass varieties, each with their own particular growth requirements. The new grass seed should begin to emerge in 5-7 days. An overseeded lawn could be established in eight weeks or less; meaning you may not have to cancel that barbeque due to shame afterall!

Proper watering is essential for successful grass growing. We recommend watering heavily right after overseeding to wash grass seeds fully into slits. Until the seeds germinate water lightly on a daily basis. Once your efforts are 'in bloom' only water occasionally as needed, but making sure to soak it well when you do. Imagine your teenage-grass is on the couch with her new boyfriend and, although you may have to do it once or twice, a good hose-down will do the trick. Except instead of wishing you were dead, your grass will thank you by establishing deeper root growth.

Congratulations! You are now the proud parents of a sweet, lushious, turf-tastic, jealousy-enducing, brag worthy lawn. As always, happy lawning from the folks at Delux Rental!!

*Article written May 2017 by Crystal Scott with Delux Rental


