For Law Students: 15 Cups of Coffee (1st Cup)
Sandeep Bhalothia
Senior Technology and Commercial Lawyer | Blockchain, FinTech, AI & Contracts
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In the context of law school, especially for those students who come from a background that has not exposed them much to extensive reading, public speaking, social and political issues, or are the first ones in their family to go to a formal college; law school could be intimidating.
In the first year, you will have to cover around ten legal subjects, multiple research papers requiring you to write thousands of words, class presentations, short assignments, mid semesters, end semesters etc.
Then you have extracurricular activities like moot, debate, client counselling, negotiation and mediation competitions, and sport and cultural events to participate in. These activities require extensive reading and rigorous training and practice with very limited or no mentorship and guidance.
Additionally, students usually need to go through internal college selection rounds to participate in any national or international competition, which requires additional preparation time.
You don't need to do all, but just focusing on one extra activity is sufficient to make you a coffee addict. One cup of coffee a day is usually not adequate to get through this.
How can I forget the other issues that students face; family problems, health issues, financial troubles etc., that further leads to street and anxiety?
And sometimes college management adds their drama to make it more difficult. Moreover, there will always be student council, college society and committee politics to deal with.
Did I mention how difficult and challenging it might be to secure two decent internships in the first year of law school, especially if you are the first generation? In a few law schools, you may choose to do one internship per year, but some colleges make it compulsory or create situations where it becomes necessary.
College's internship and placement committee are not always efficient in mentoring or assisting students in this process. In some colleges, such committees are for namesake and only focus on Zero Day placements.
And don't forget, most of the internships in India are unpaid. Even highly reputable law firms and senior lawyers cannot allegedly afford to pay their interns. But they are kind enough to pay you in "experience", which will hardly be counted as the experience once you graduate.
You might have to also shift from your hometown to a big city for these internships, forcing you to fund your accommodation, food and other expenses on your own. Does this add financial pressure on your parents?
What if you come from a humble background or have difficulty reading and understanding English which makes it more challenging to keep pace with other students from your batch?
You might say that I am exaggerating it, but there is some truth in this. Furthermore, there are students with learning problems (I hope I am using the right words here. I Don't want to sound insensitive), and the majority of law schools in India are not equipped to assist such students.
Considering all the above issues, there will be an instance where you will feel lost, start questioning your decision of joining the law school, be low on energy and motivation. Oh boy. Law schools could be cruel and tough.
Some of the above challenges are a necessity and are an integral part of law school. Going through some of these tough situations will make you a good lawyer. But some of the other issues don't need to be there.
But what to do?
Will private law school suddenly stop thinking about their profit and start focusing on student welfare?
Will Indian law firms and a senior lawyer find a way to pay a basic stipend to law students?
Will discrimination between NLU and Non-NLU students suddenly vanish?
Will all professors start focusing on what matters in legal education and be empathetic towards students?
Will college management stop acting like Hitler?
I am not merely criticizing law schools, firms, lawyer and other stakeholders. That is not my sole intention. But there is a point that I am trying to make, and if you are a law student, you will be able to connect with some of these points.
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Seek help, reach out to your professors, friends, batchmates, seniors from college or places where you have interned, depending on your comfort zone. There is nothing wrong with admitting being lost, not comprehending law school life, finding it difficult, feeling stressed etc.
Seek mental health assistance if required. It is not a bad thing, and it might help you. I have sought assistance in my law school life, and it made some difference. See, I admitted seeking mental health assistance. What will happen now? Nothing.
Thre are many excellent and understanding people out there to help you with personal or academic problems, and all that you need to do is seek help. I know its difficult. People could judge you, make comments and whatnot. But for your good, you have to be selfish and shameless in seeking help.
For academics, considering forming a study group with your friends and organize your group meeting (even if it is virtual) to explain, understand and discuss concepts. This will help in reducing your academic burden.
The sooner you seek help, the sooner your law school journey be less hectic.
It doesn't matter who you are and which year you are in; it is okay to be worried, sad or stressed. These are emotions, and as a human, you are supposed to experience these emotions. But don't let these emotions eat you. Don't let the fear of being judged or embarrassed stop you from seeking help.
If you face any issues, then reach out to someone to seek help as early as tomorrow. And if you know someone who might be going through a tough time, then reach out to them to have a conversation and see if they want to speak and open up.
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And in the end, remember your "Why". Why did you join law school? What motivated you to go through all this trouble?
Don't give up on your "Why" even if it requires you to seek help.
Trust me, seeking help won't be a wrong decision.
????????: I am aiming to write more of such content and hopefully organize some virtual coffee meetings. If you wish to receive updates, then consider joining this WhatsApp Group -
I am open to conversation and feedback related to this post.
Cheers (takes the last sip of coffee)!
#CupOfCoffee #lawstudent #law
President, Debating Society | Editor In Chief, Indian Journal of Arbitration Law | NLU Jodhpur
4 年It's great to be able to understand the perspective of someone who has already been through law school. Thank you, sir.