Law Firm Policies, Systems, and Procedures, a Spine

Law Firm Policies, Systems, and Procedures, a Spine

Wondering where to start? Overwhelmed just thinking about the tasks of documenting policies, systems, and procedures? I hear you. Me too. I totally get it. We all get it. For me and most lawyers, this is tedious as counting pieces of rice under our broccoli in garlic sauce. Let’s talk about the benefits of having PSPs in place to keep us all going.

The Benefits of Having Your PSPs Documented Are:

  1. Efficiencies. Things get done faster with fewer mistakes and won’t need to be redone.
  2. Fewer Interruptions. You’ll answer fewer questions and be interrupted less. This means more focus time.
  3. Employee Independence. You can stop reviewing and supervising documented tasks.
  4. Smart Delegation. The lowest paid competent person can get the job done without you.
  5. Satisified Clients. Your clients will be happier and, therefore, provide stronger reviews, testimonials, and referrals.
  6. Fewer Complaints. You’ll reduce the chance of disciplinary board complaints or malpractice suits and the time, stress, and money it takes to reply.
  7. Happy Referral Sources. Your referral sources will note your professionalism and have greater confidence in you.
  8. Upset Reduction. Reduce team discord and conflict with those outside the firm by setting appropriate expectations.
  9. Sweet Dreams. You’ll sleep better at night, knowing you’re not missing anything.?
  10. Strategic Thinking. You can spend your time on creative thinking and legal analysis, not putting out fires and mundane tasks.
  11. Less Turmoil. You’ll experience less pain and turmoil when an employee is out of the office or leaves.
  12. Easier Growth. Onboarding new employees will take less time and will hold fewer distractions to you and your current team.?
  13. Retirement Plan. Your firm will be worth more when it’s time to sell.??

Million Dollar Attorney PSP Checklist

Making It a Game to Get ‘Er Done:

Would it be nice to be handed a PSP manual? Yes, of course. Is it in your best interests? No. Would anyone follow it? No. It would just get dusty on your shelf. Would it be a good fit for you and your firm? No. Would it add value to your firm or make your life easier? Nope. Instead, you’d say, “I paid $20,000 for this PSP manual and it’s not working.”?

If you document and implement even just one policy a week each week, that’s 52 policies in a year. Do the math. What if everyone on your team documented one policy a week for 52 weeks? That’s 2 team members x 52 =104….4 team members x 52 = 208...then, 416 policies are done before you know it!??Beautiful.?

Don’t put your party pants on yet, I use the term “done” loosely here. Policies are never done. The policies for a million-dollar law firm are different than the policies of a $250,000 law firm. Policies are tweaked and improved over time as you learn more, your team grows and positions become more specialized, you adopt software and automation, technology improves, your goals change, your mindset evolves, and you learn more.?

PSPs are a necessary work in progress, so I invite you to view them from that perspective. You’ll be happier and more successful if you do. Besides, you don’t need to do all of this. There are people out there who love this stuff. They’d be proud to serve as the project manager and own this project. When you’re hiring, use a test such as Kolbe or Disc to find someone detail oriented with high follow through.?

Million Dollar Attorney Processes

The Process of Processes:

Have the person who does the task jot down specific steps. How specific? Super de-duper specific so even your realtor or banker could come in and complete the task successfully.?

Step 1: Have the person who currently performs the task jot down specific steps. Think “checklist.”

Step 2: Have someone else follow the checklist and note where they get stuck or made a mistake.

Step 3: Tweak the checklist accordingly.

Step 4: Test again.

Step 5: Place new PSPs in your Operations Manual where everyone has access such as in Google Docx or DropBox. In addition, law office management tools such as Clio or Practice Panther allow checklists/workflows to be created therein. (<----- lawyer word)

Step 6: Notify team at all-team meeting of new PSPs in the Operations Manual.?

Step 7: Have your project manager spot check to ensure the PSPs are being referred to and followed. They don’t work if no one looks at them.?

Step 8: Update as life unfolds.

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The Spine Itself

Of course, you’ll have PSPs for your particular office and area of practice such as how to determine whether a name is available for trademark, prepare documents for the signing ceremony, or file for a PFA. Below is an outline of where to start for all or most law firms. Check your dang PR rules too.

PSPs, Where To Start:

~Accepting Payments

~Quoting Fees/Investment Structure

~Who You Will and Won’t Work With (no asshole policy plus define A - F clients)?

~Open New File/New Matter

~File Naming and Organization

~Close File

~Timekeeping Procedures

~How and When to Bill

~Friends and Family Discount (you are not required to give discounts and for most people, you should not)

~How to Handle Non-Payment

~How to Set Appointments (all types)??

~Conflict Checks

~Statute of Limitations

~Filing Deadlines

~Court Calendaring Procedure

~Tickler System

~Engagement Agreements (including evergreen retainers if bill hourly)

~Answering the Phone

~Written Communication Policy for Clients

~When to Interrupt the Attorney (including your definition of “emergency” and “family”)

~How to Handle Difficult Clients

~How to Handle Negative Online Reviews

~How to Handle Threatened and Actual Malpractice Claim?

~How to Handle Threatened and Actual Disciplinary Complaint?

~How to Make a Referral (and get paid for it)?

~Client Privacy and Confidentiality

~Law Firm Privacy and Confidentiality

~Payment Handling - IOLTA Accounts and Operating Account

~When Staff Can Ask Questions (so you have focus time)

~How and with Whom to Discuss a Concern (team)

~How to Run a Meeting (File Review, Team Development, Coaching, PSP, etc.)?

~Job Descriptions

~Business Hours and Holidays

~Pre-Client Glide Path

~Client Glide Path

~Bill Paying?


~Monthly KPI Tracking

~Quarterly Marketing ROI Tracking

~Monthly Marketing Checklist

~Listing and Updating of Software: Benefits, Usernames, and Passwords

~Listing Memberships: Benefits, Usernames, and Passwords

~PSP Creation, Documentation Format, Testing, Review, and Updating

Over time, develop a PSP for absolutely every task in your firm. This won’t be done tomorrow, but in a couple years when you’re ready to eat spaghetti in Italy for a month, your firm will be set to rock ‘n roll. And, when you’re ready to do something else, you’re firm will be worth more – I’ve seen $100,000 more – with a high-quality PSP operations manual. In the meantime, your PSPs will keep you sane, efficient, and functioning at a high level.?

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I’m a 15-year veteran of the practice of law, a former senior executive for a large attorney organization, a published ABA article author, and the founder of the private consulting firm, Million Dollar Attorney? where I serve as a Master Law Firm Business Strategist.

Find out more at


