Law Firm Data Governance News #16

Law Firm Data Governance News #16

Welcome to issue 16 of Iron Carrot’s Newsletter: Law Firm Data Governance News. Each month, I’ll highlight our latest posts on Data Governance across LinkedIn, our Website, the Podcast, and other social media locations. It’s a lot of places to keep track of, so this newsletter is the best place to find out what we’ve been up to. ?Please subscribe (if you haven’t already) – that way, you won’t miss an issue!

Well, summer is clearly over, and the rain and wind seem to be here to stay. ? I hope you all enjoyed the good weather during the last month. I know I did! There’s nothing better than relaxing with a glass of wine in the garden along with friends and family after a busy week fixing Data Governance problems for all our clients.

Work-wise, we’re busy picking up new clients with really interesting Data problems that Iron Carrot can help with – if you’ve got a Data or Taxonomy issue, that you’d like us to look at, why not get in touch?

Articles You May Have Missed

We all lead busy lives, so here are a few articles you may have missed when they were first published:

How to develop data governance leaders in the law sector (Case Study)

One of the Law Firms we worked with to develop a Data Governance Roadmap was in a great position to deliver it because we had helped them identify a data governance lead from the internal stakeholders we interviewed. All the stakeholders were excited that she was willing and able to take on the role. The challenge was that while this person…

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What’s the difference between Information Governance and Data Governance?

A frequent question that comes up in stakeholder engagement is, “What’s the difference between information governance and data governance?” An equally frequent question is, “Why does our firm need both information governance and data governance?”

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Five biggest mistakes law firms make when creating a data strategy

Depending on a law firm’s data maturity, where they are on their data governance journey, and the firm’s strategic priorities, a logical step is often creating a data strategy.

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Catch up on All Previous Articles…

All Iron Carrot articles are available on LinkedIn and our Website, so these links offer an easy way to catch up on any you’ve missed or want to re-read:

Law Firm Data Governance Podcast

This season of the Podcast will be coming to an end shortly, so now is a good time catch up on any episodes you may have missed so far:

Season 4 Episode 7 - Talking Data With... Antonio Acu?a MBE (Kennedys)

Season 4 Episode 6 - Talking Data With... Melanie Farquharson (3Kites Consulting)

Season 4 Episode 5 – Talking Data With... Katy Snell & Alice Laird (Howard Kennedy)

Season 4 Episode 4 – Talking Data With... Tudor Borlea (Collibra)

Season 4 Episode 3 – Talking Data With... Cheryl Ashman (White & Case)

Season 4 Episode 2 – Talking Data With... James Markham (Dentons)

Season 4 Episode 1 – Talking Data With… Simone Pozniak (Webber Wentzel)

The podcast is free to listen to, and for most platforms, no account or login is needed. So why not start listening now and set up your Data Governance journey for success?

You can listen to all of the Podcast episodes via one of the following links:

If your favourite Podcast player supports the importing of an RSS feed, you can also copy this link and paste it into your player app to subscribe directly.

That’s it for this month!

Thanks for reading this month’s newsletter. I’ll be bringing you more Law Firm Data Governance information, help, and advice on a regular basis via LinkedIn, our Website, and this newsletter.

Please Subscribe if you haven’t already.

Would you like some help with data governance at your firm?

We have developed a unique data governance road-mapping solution to help business leaders launch the proper foundation for data governance through our extensive data governance and information management background.

Our five-step road mapping process quickly helps law firms create a complete framework and plan for assuring the governance and quality of its data to realise the strategic goals.

Book a call with me, or visit our website, to find out more.



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