Law Firm Accounting and Tax Podcast - Official Launch
Mike Jesowshek, CPA
Founder of TaxElm | Podcast Host | Author | Helping Small Businesses Minimize Taxes and Maximize Wealth
We are proud to announce the launch of our Law Firm Accounting and Tax Podcast.
Why law firms?
My firm, JETRO, specializes in servicing solo and small law firms. With that being said we have seen and lived through a lot of the struggles that you face as a law firm owner. I want to take the knowledge I have as a CPA and the knowledge I have gained working with law firms across the country and share that with you to help you in this journey.
We will be talking about tax strategies that can save you thousands each and every year. We will be outlining accounting best practices and things you should be aware of and can implement in your firm to ensure you are bullet proof. We will touch on various topics that will help your firm grow and flourish including topics like: strategic planning, succession planning and items that will assist you during this frequently changing wave of be being a business owner.
My promise to all listeners is that you will walk away from every episode with more knowledge that you can use to grow your firm, pay less in taxes, and ensure you are financially sound and bulletproof from an audit.
What is the format of the podcast?
The format will generally be short, quick hit accounting and tax tips with an episode lasting between 5 and 10 minutes. The purpose of this is to keep things simple for you without taking up a bunch of your time. You will be able to hear a quick tip, implement it in your firm, and then move on.
Now, with that being said, from time to time we will want to dig deeper on specific topics. Periodically we will have episodes that can last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour and again these are going to be topics that we really want to get deeper on. Often times on these episodes we will have a guest on as well.
I’m really excited to get rolling and I look forward to connecting you, my listener. If there is any topic you would like to hear more about specifically to not hesitate to reach out. You can find me on LinkedIn or you can always email me at [email protected].