The LAW and Law Enforcement
Miguel Silva
Experienced engineer with a passion for innovation. Proven expertise in civil engineering and also hardware, software, and digital transformations. Published scientist.
The other day, Me and Pedro Silva Pinto had a good, non-verbal, conversation, on Facebook about #violence, #war, and #LAW. In particular, the latest events happening in ... the usual place on this Planet.
The last conclusion of our small & short "debate" was about LAW and #legality. Pedro Silva Pinto argued the need to be "inside the LAW", the need to be legal as a way to avoid conflict. And I argued about the dangers of using it as a way to solve any kind of violence and violent act. The dangers of using LAW as a way to prevent violence in the future.
So, what is LAW? What is a law?
A LAW, any kind of law, is needed when conflict is already happening. It Is a way to measure facts and truths, a relative understanding of a fact, mediated by someone outside the conflict, a Judge, among two sides, usually two lawyers. This way of knowing factual truth has been used for centuries, with many disadvantages and shortcomings. Starting with the one(s) mediating a conflict among two parties. Any human being is prone to bias, corruption, and worst, fear for his/her life. For instance, non-verbal threats such as a taser, or an invisible laser pointed directly to where one is working all day.
Since we humans are not made of parts and components, and we are not made in a way to be repaired or serviced as any machine is, forcing some kind of legality while conflict is already happening is a dangerous activity and requires even more violence, usually measured as #power (see my previous short essay about Human's Work and Machine's power). This race, the one where more "power is better", can be found throughout the history of Mankind for millennia now. And those who know a bit of history, know it always ends with some kind of singularity event, that is to say, some kind of cataclysmic violent event. The most famous, the #Nagasaki and #Hiroshima Atomic Bombs (see Rui Moreira's publications on the Nagasaki City of Japan around the 8th of October 2023).
There are many, many other events in history, that can serve as examples of what not to do or follow. However, since ~2005 something is different about us Humans. It Is known as "The Internet", it has been known like that since ~ mid-last century and can be traced back to the first "official" copper wire communication transmission across the Atlantic. See the "History of Communications" on Wikipedia . This advance in human society is about #knowledge. In particular how much time is required to access it. And #TIME is #key to understand about the shortcomings of a LAW. In particular, a #delay, also known as #latency and commonly referred to as bureaucracy.
Nowadays, access to knowledge requires milliseconds, less than 100 milliseconds. More, access to factual, real-time knowledge, and I'm including here, the worst a human is able to do to himself when near another human, violence and the grotesque are part of who we are and what we do.
Hiding knowledge ( data; information) only makes worse what is already the worst and bad. And more importantly, and this is a #key understanding, it limits immensely, the ability to act in a preventive manner, in a way to avoid a conflict or violent act. Something a LAW does not know. It Is not part of it. A LAW, any kind of law is a post-action of a past event. First requires facts and only later legality can be decided and ... enforced. Again, this is another shortcoming of LAW, the need to be enforced after a decision has been made. This mandates POWER, more power than the power each party involved in a conflict has available. In any other case or scenario, no LAW can be enforced and put into practice.
The internet nowadays functions at light speed. This velocity value means any reality happening on this #Planet is #omnipresent* to some other place other than where it is happening. Waiting for "The LAW" and "LAW Enforcement" is not a human act one wants. It is not an ethical, or moral thing to DO, waiting for others to solve a "problem", "because there's nothing I can do about it". This is #wrong, there's always something one, a citizen, is able to DO, and I'm certain, more than simply sharing a publication with a two-color stripe, in a hard resemblance of a country's flag at war. It is more than just sharing a link with the history of another country at war. It requires from us, humans, to have ALL TIMES, this communication channel open to everyone and to any one.
This is prevention. And is about personal safety.
So, who have you #blocked on a particular App and on this internet?
Who have you blocked here on Facebook ? Who have you blocked on Instagram ? Who have you blocked on WhatsApp ? Who have you blocked on Telegram Messenger ? Who have you blocked on Discord ? Who have you blocked on Zoom ? Who have you blocked on Slack ? Who have you blocked on ....?
Be honest. You haven't checked that for quite some time now!
Go do that, and do the opposite of war, unblock all, literally all, and instead, next time. opt to do a temporary #ban.
For a safer, less, violent society.