Law and the CALD business community
Businesses are facing all sorts of challenges. Laws/legal compliance are one of those challenges and it is particularly so for CALD (Culturally And Linguistically Diverse) groups.
EMA, in association with Shieff Angland Lawyers, will deliver a series of presentations covering employment law, commercial/construction contracts, tax, trusts and a complex issue of Chinese notion of “代持” and its English equivalent of “bare trustee”.
From 19 February to 18 June, EMA’s CBC (China Business Centre) and Shieff Angland’s Asian Legal Practice will present five monthly seminars, free, to Chinese business people (employers, employees etc) or anyone as the seminars will be delivered bilingual.
Chinese developers have played an important role in the housing market, particularly in Auckland. Thanks to NZ Chinese Building Industry Association led by Frank Xu for helping to make the seminars possible.
Nancy Lu, a CA who has a wealth of business experience (she is also National’s List candidate 2020) and Anna Li (CBC) will be the MCs. Thanks to Pauline Gao (Yiju), Canton Chamber of Commerce and all partners and sponsors.
It’s fitting to post this information on this very first day of the Chinese New Year - the Year of the Ox.
While you may have heard of the 12-year Chinese zodiac calendar, represented by 12 different animals, it is actually far more complicated (see CNN: Year of the Metal Ox). February 12 marks the beginning of the 辛丑年(Year of Xin Chou). “辛” represents the heavenly stem of the element metal, while “丑” is the earthly branch symbol for ox, making it the Year of the Metal Ox.
Metal or steel? Good for our construction industry!