Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality, or religious belief, we are all susceptible to the laws which govern the Universe, including the Law of Attraction. It is the Law of Attraction that uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. In basic terms, all thoughts turn into things eventually. If you focus on negative doom and gloom, you will remain under that cloud. If you focus on positive thoughts and have goals that you aim to achieve, you will find a way to achieve them with massive action.

Raw attracts raw. Blunt attracts blunt. Sharp only feels sharp. For only iron sharpens iron, and fire burns fire.

“Once there was this big, successful village ruled by a chief called Jaduong.” Bebina narrates. With a smile on her face and confidence beyond measure, she was so determined to give me a narration of a lifetime.

“Jaduong had a beautiful daughter by the name Jaber. Jaber was a real goddess of beauty. She had a fine complexion, bright wide eyes, a killer smile, and brightened teeth. You could think she was doing a toothpaste commercial with a nice waist, wide hips, and a beautiful western bum. Jaber was truly the most beautiful lady in the village.” She paused to take a sip of a cool glass of coke.

“Times passed, and since Jaduong, the chief, did not have a son to take over, he wanted to marry off his daughter to the best man in the village. A man who will take care of Jaber when he is no longer alive, and a man who will help run the village to sustain its prosperity. " Again she pauses, but this time dramatically. I was getting more attracted to this story and had no idea where it was heading to.

“Please go on....” I begged Bebina to continue her narration

“Jaduong decided to give a test to the strongest, most handsome, and surely the smartest eligible bachelors in the village, a test to see whether one of them would emerge as a winner. After a thorough selection, he had 3 abled men whom Jaber also supported for the contest.” Ha ha, Bebina laughed dramatically, gazing straight into my eyes as she sipped her drink.

“For the contest, Jaduong decided to give each of the young men a maize seed. And gave them simple instructions:?go forth, my sons, and put your skills to work, do all you can to germinate this seed. Come back to me after 4 months. The one with the best maize plantation will be the heir to the throne and will take the hand of my daughter, Jaber, in marriage.” By now, Bebina was so caught up in the story that she was so dramatic, and she had voice intonations just to make her narration more interesting.

“So the young men started their quest,” she continued. “They all went on with their work. Tirelessly and with so much determination. After a month, they still had not managed to make so much progress despite the hard work they had put in. One of them decided to just get another seed and start again coz the seed the chief had handed him had a default and was not responding well, yet he wanted to win so badly. But 2 of them still remained patient and worked on their original seeds.” She exhaled as she rolled her eyes with slight amusement, putting on a tainted smile.

“Another month passed, and the one who replaced his seed had started seeing results, but the others still had nothing, so one of them visited the one who had results. He saw how well he was progressing, even though he never told him he had replaced the seed. The friend felt threatened by the progress, and when he went home, he decided to replace his not-germinating seed with a maize seedling and applied extra manure just to level the competition. But still, one of them had no idea and still remained patient. He continued to work on his seed with double determination, hoping for miraculous results.” With her hand on her mouth, she giggled, shaking her head.

By this time, I was so glued that I felt like I was watching a real African traditional movie with the strong, handsome men, the wise chief, and, of course, the beautiful Jaber. I shifted myself to a more comfortable position so as not to miss out on any points in case I got tired of how I was sitting.

“Now, only a month was remaining, and the men were all putting their polish on the work. The 1st man had his maize growing tall and was nice, and the 2nd man had his maize growing very healthy and attractive. Even so, the 3rd man had nothing, just sweat and sleepless nights, hoping all his hard work would pay off. At some point, news reached him that the other 2 competitors were doing great, and he was not seeing results. People mocked him, and others even called him lazy. Meanwhile, at the palace, the chief, Jaduong, and his daughter Jaber, were patiently waiting to see how the competition ended.” Bebina is interrupted by a mosquito, but that is not enough to get Bebina out of narration mode.

“And finally, the long-awaited day had arrived. Jaduong ordered his staff to put up a wonderful feast, for it was at the banquet that he would get the winner as they presented their maize plantation in front of the entire village.” Bebina pauses to take a sip as I chuckle, thinking of how foolish the 3rd guy was.

“One by one, the gentlemen, well dressed in their animal-skinned Sunday best suits, walked in to present their results in front of Chief Jaduong, his beautiful daughter Jaber, and the entire village.

The 1st guy came in with his tall maize plantation with a couple of cobs on, and he proudly spoke in a sharp soprano voice;?I have worked diligently, taking care of my plant from the time it was a seed to now. I never wasted even a day. The kind of hard work I put into it, I know, is what I will put into our village’s success.?And the whole village applauded as he walked away, twisting his muscular buttocks.” We both laugh as Bebina proceeds.

“Then came the 2nd guy, with him a very attractive maize plant with overgrown maize cobs, and everyone admired him. He cleared his throat, and with his coarse voice, he stated;?it was not easy, but I am not the type of man that gives up. I could not rest till I saw it prosper. I did my research on the best ways to grow healthy maize, and as you can see, it is something to die for. As a leader, I will always devote all my time and energy to making sure our village continues prospering, just as Chief Jaduong has always done.?The people applauded in shouts and claps, and they hailed him for the good work done.” I was also clapping at this point, but that was not my point of focus.

“Suddenly, there was silence as the 3rd man walked in with no plant, just his seed, well-dressed in an amazing skin suit, showing off his muscular model body. The chief showed a face of concern as the people murmured. He cleared his throat, and there came the deep voice as he gave his part of the story;?I was happy to be part of this and still am. For 4 months, I have been working so hard, but my seed has never germinated. I went through every single method known to man, but still I got no results. I have let you down, Chief Jaduong. If given a chance, I still want to love your daughter and lead your people. But if that chance doesn’t come, Jaber, I will still support your leadership.?The people heckled him as he walked away.” I had a face of amusement by now.

I still don’t understand how someone would have 4 months and not get results, not even a slight one, just to show what they have been doing.

“And so chief Jaduong stood up and called upon the 3 men to give his verdict. He had his daughter on his left side, and the 3 men faced them. He said;?I gave each of you a seed to bring me maize, and the winner would be the heir to the throne and have my daughter’s hand in marriage. I choose you (pointed to the one with no maize but just the seedling he was given)” with a straight face, Bebina looked at me, and I was surprised, just as you are right now.

In a deep chief voice, Bebina proceeded, “the seeds I gave you were all boiled, and that means they could not germinate. I needed someone with integrity and someone honest enough to lead the village. I have given you all my lessons and my heart in ruling, and now I want a person with the same drive to lead and also take care of my daughter. You (the other 2 men who were so surprised and embarassed)?went and exchanged the seeds, and when you came here, you showed more interest in power than love. You showed that you would forget your wife chasing power.?After a really long speech and lecturing, he gave Jaber’s hand in marriage to the honest man, and the whole confused village stood in praise and adoration of what had just happened. The end.” I stood and clapped with happiness.

Of course, by now you are also as confused as the villagers were at the end of the ceremony. I know this story has nothing much to do with the forces of attraction, but hear me out.

The law of attraction has well been displayed, as Bebina and I have found common ground that holds us together.

I am a storyteller and would spend a significant amount of time talking. Well, I got attracted to Bebina, who really colors my life and entertains me with her lovely narration. The iron just sharpened the iron. Or do I say the storyteller just narrated to the storyteller?

You will only attract those who are like you in this life. If you are a fool, have fun with your fool. If you are mean, have fun with your mean. And if you are happy, please stick to the happy ones. The sad ones will take care of themselves. It never goes wrong, haha.

But let’s be serious about this. You listen to a lot of motivational speaking, and often the speaker always says that “if you are a group of 10, 9 are millionaires, you will probably be the 10th millionaire.” But they always talk bluntly, and most of the time, they are so unrealistic and make the audience fall into fantasy and forget the truth until it hits them. Yes, you may be the 10th millionaire, even so, there is a chance that you may be the millionaire’s handyperson, like a servant. In reality, you are in a group of 5, the young, ambitious one who doesn’t have money and expects to learn from the other 4. They will always use you for their errands. Before you know it, you are surviving from their remains.

You want to be the 10th millionaire; go out and do your thing. I don’t know what you are busy doing in a group when you should be working.

Friendships have always been made throughout history, and many times a friend to most people is;?that person that always helps you waste time and buys you food when you are broke, and always says hi to you.?That’s good. But sincerely, a friend should be;?that stranger who believes in you, always comes to support your business, gets to know what you are going through, and is concerned with your growth, and in turn, you are doing the same.

It is 2022 small talk, and labels are no longer needed. If you focus on who and what you want to become and achieve, then that’s the 1st step to attraction. If you desire to get into business, stop wasting time chatting with labels and telling them how you want to put up a shop or an office. Just get out and do it. It doesn’t matter who is behind you; it doesn’t matter who is watching.

The energy you put into it will attract the right people.

You will get that crazy person that understands your insanity. You will get those 4 other millionaires that will relate to your struggle; in return, they will invest in you, allowing you to be the 5th millionaire. And with time, you will notice a gifted person doing so good somewhere, and you will invest in them as you will be attracted to the energy they put, and that’s how the 6th, 7th, and so other millionaires will be made.

Do you want to understand the laws of attraction? “Know who you are, identify your energy, focus on your strength.”


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