Law of Attraction Mistakes That Undo Everything You're Working Toward
So you spent all of this time trying to use the law of attraction and you keep getting mixed results.
It’s all right. Once you make these tiny changes, manifestation in your image is inevitable.
The purpose of this article is to show you how you can better attract the life that you want.
By attract, I mean just that. You don’t have to go out and make things happen. Instead, you can sit back and let it all come to you.
It’s fair that you might not even want it. No matter what you want, you can have it and you can have it now.
So let’s do this!
What Is the Law of Attraction?
The law of attraction states that you are the cause of everything that happens in your life. You attract all things by use of your focus.
In other words, by changing your focus or unifying it, you can manifest and experience any reality right now.
Your mind acts as a receiving station that attracts the physical counterpart of your dominating thoughts.
So everything in your life (the place you stay, your clothes, your relationships, your phone, your “problems”, your dislikes) are all things you’ve wanted and/or may even feel you deserve.
Just as your dominating thoughts change, so does your reality.
Not only are you a figure in your own dream, but you are also the dreamer of the dream.
It’s all in your control.
Let’s learn how “dream” properly while sidestepping the common mistakes.
1. Focusing on materials items
It’s no way around it. Nice things are nice things.
You can’t always explain why you like something; you just know that you do.
Those things seem to make you happy. They can include a pretty face, a number in your bank account, a fresh pair of shoes, and/or a new JClay album. *hint hint*
The possibilities are endless.
Although possibilities are endless, material things have an end.
Herein lies the first contradiction.
You want more of what is finite choosing that over what is infinite.
By doing so you bring this into every aspect of your life. As the saying goes, you want what you can’t have.
You’ve set yourself an impossible mission being a slave of sorts to what will always fade.
Law of Attraction: Corrective Action #1
A better way is to focus instead on what is infinite and abundant. For instance, your being.
You are a human being and in this moment, you can be whatever you choose.
If you want to be happy, you can be happy. If you want to be angry, you can be that instead. It all depends on your choice.
By choosing something finite and outside of yourself to affect your being, you are going against the nature of what you are.
Besides, you only want material things because you believe it will make you happy. But if you get them, your happiness only remains as long as the item is interesting to you, which could be as little as an hour.
By choosing to be happy first and keeping your focus on that, you will attract all the material things naturally that will always add to your happiness. So when, for example, a favorite piece of clothing gets worn out, you’ll have an abundance of other favorite pieces of clothing.
2. Living in time
Both the past and the future seem to hold the key to everything you want.
The past shows ideas of “better” days that you would like to re-live today. The future shows ideas of “better” days that you would like to live someday.
In both cases, neither of these will ever come. Everything that has happened to you happened right now.
You’ve never been able to visit the past or the future. Yet in your mind, you visit there constantly.
By focusing on what isn’t here or never will be here, you are attracting more emptiness right now.
What is not here does not exist. To focus on the lack of something is to attract more lack into your life.
Whatever you focus on, you experience. And you experience whatever you focus on.
So how can you really ever be without what you focus on?
You can’t. You’ve again set yourself on an impossible task by wanting more of what can never be.
Law of Attraction: Corrective Action #2
Instead of focusing on lack, place your focus and attention on what exists right now.
There are many opportunities and chances for you to get exactly what you really want right here and right now. You simply cannot see them because you are looking away.
Ground yourself in this moment. Be present. Use meditation or music to help.
When you focus on what is, you will see everything that you’ve ever attracted waiting for you.
3. Believing in positive and negative
One of the big things with the law of attraction is that if you focus on positive thoughts, you will attract positive things.
But what exactly is a positive thought?
A positive thought is said to be a thought that focuses only on what is good.
The problem with that is that to define something as positive or good, you give birth to its opposite, negative and bad.
Else there would be no need to even define or judge the thing. By judging it as good, you are declaring that there is bad in this world so your judgment of what is good is needed.
It’s like asking someone if they know who you are? If you have to ask, they obviously don’t know.
Similarly, if you have to declare something as good, you obviously don’t believe it wholly yet. If you did, there would be no need to mention it, except only when asked.
Law of Attraction: Corrective Action #3
Instead of giving your judgment to things and situations, don’t.
It may feel difficult at first, but your judgment is never needed. A thing will be what it is without you declaring it as such.
In addition, forgive your past judgments. You may have judged incorrectly.
Your wisdom cannot exceed your current level of understanding.
Since you seem to be wiser now, it may be wise to reassess your somewhat unwise judgments.
Let them all go.
4. Having no purpose
Nothing can outlive its purpose.
When you have no further use for a thing, you throw, hide, or give it away.
The same is true for what you would like to attract.
If you have no purpose for attracting it, it will always seem to flee from your grasp.
That which you chase will always run away.
Law of Attraction: Corrective Action #4
To remedy this, always set your purpose for whatever it is you want.
If you want money, know why you want money and be ready to use it purposefully.
Doing things purposefully does not mean you have to have a divine reason for doing something. It just means you are taking your rightful place in the cause/effect spectrum.
As you know, all things are cause and effect. Your thoughts are the cause of all that you seem to experience.
Yet you sometimes let effects be your cause. This is backward.
Being purposeful allows you to recognize that you are the cause.
5. Your Wants Are Contradictory
This was touched on briefly above with setting impossible missions or tasks.
Contradictory wants are when you want one thing, but you also want the opposite.
For example, you want to eat what you consider healthy, but you also want to eat what you consider as not healthy.
Another example is you may want to be loved, but you don’t love yourself. Or to state it another way, you want others to love you unconditionally, but you don’t love others without conditions.
If you are truly willing to look, you can find these contradictions everywhere.
As far as the law of attraction is concerned, when your wants are contradictory, values get priority.
The law of attraction is not so much “like attracts like”, but “values attract values”.
When you value drama more than you do peace, even if you say hundreds of peaceful affirmations a day, you’ll still attract drama.
How do you know what you value?
First, listen to what you share with others. When you’re talking to your best friend, take notice of all the things you want to tell him or her.
You can only share what you have to share, and what you share, you feel you are.
If you share love always, then you’re a loving person.
But if you share love sometimes and hateful comments other times, then you’re both loving and hateful, which means nothing, lol, because these both cancel each other out.
So pick a side. Go full force on your values.
Another way to know exactly what you value is to pay attention to how you speak when you speak of things.
For instance, if you speak in a bland manner about your job, but excitingly when speaking about what happened on your favorite television show, then you value that television show, but not your job so much.
Law of Attraction: Corrective Action #5
Get a buddy to point out your mistakes.
We all enjoy pointing out mistakes from time to time, but this time is special. You are giving your friend full permission to correct you every time.
Tell your buddy that any time you do or say something contradictory, they get to correct you immediately.
After a few times, you’ll be more aware and able to notice these contradictions before you share them.
Sometime after, you’ll be fully in alignment with all of your thoughts.
6. Your Actions Are Contradictory
This mistake is very similar to the above, but it deserves its own section.
It’s true that your actions follow your wants in the same way that an effect follows its cause.
As was also stated earlier, you may have the habit of letting an effect be your cause.
In this way, you should also correct your actions because they can be based on a purposeless cause.
The purposeless cause is beautifully reflected within the Five Monkeys Experiment. For those unfamiliar, watch this minute and a half video that explains it beautifully.
Law of Attraction: Corrective Action #5
To not have contradictory actions, self-awareness is still a priority here. Pay attention to your thoughts, words, and actions.
Question your beliefs and know why you do what you do.
Use a law-of-attraction journal if you have to.
If you don’t understand why ask for help? Many are willing to give great advice for free.
When you find yourself acting in a manner that’s contradictory to what you want, stop yourself immediately. There is no benefit to continuing in this manner.
During a later time of mindful reflection, decide what would have been a better course of action.
Then welcome all similar circumstances as an opportunity to show you are aligned with what you want to attract.
7. Not fully understanding vibrational match
This common mistake is a big one!
It may even want to make you exit this article immediately and never read another word I write. But stick with me because knowing this will change EVERYTHING!
A victim and his or her oppressor are a vibrational match. They attract each other.
Let me explain how this works within the law of attraction with the following example.
When you believe that there are “bad” people in the world and that they can take something from you, you begin to move accordingly. You take certain precautions on how you go about your day.
But since you are the cause of all things in your life, in order for your movements to make sense, you must see examples of these “bad” people.
So if anyone matches this description, they are brought into your awareness.
Sometimes this can be from afar and other times it can be up close & personal.
It doesn’t end there. Once you’ve crossed paths with an individual (set by the intentions you’ve set through your beliefs), you share this with as many people as possible.
You become an advocate for these “bad” people you’ve attracted thus attracting more. You may even become an expert on them.
In other cases, you may begin to hide away from the world fearing your own imagined creation.
As the saying goes, opposites attract. But now you understand how they aren’t opposites at all.
They serve as witnesses to one another.
Law of Attraction: Corrective Action #7
First, focus on what you are, not what you aren’t.
For example, if you aren’t “bad” then don’t focus on “bad” people.
You’ve already unknowingly used the law of attraction to attract those that are just as you are.
Your friends, family, and workmates may share similar values.
Once your values change, so will your environment and the people in it.
There is never a need to fear another. In reality, you aren’t fearing them. You are only fearing your imagined idea of them.
The Law of Attraction Recap
Smile. You now know exactly what to do to manifest what you think will add to your joy.
To make this complete, I want to point out a simple way to attract the greatest life possible, not just what you think will add to your happiness.
When you are … or when you are in a state of being, you are saying that you fully trust God and/or the universe.
You are affirming that you have no needs and are complete.
Without you creating the need for you to need anything, you will never be without anything.
If you had the keys to the universe, would you trust them to someone always searching for something more or someone that is perfectly content no matter what?
- Focus on what is abundant.
- Live in the present moment always.
- Don’t judge anything and forgive your past judgments.
- Do everything purposefully.
- Be consistent with what you want.
- Ensure your actions are in line with your desires.
- Understand that to judge anything is to create circumstances where it will manifest in your life.
- BONUS – Be.
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This article first appeared on the JClay blog at