The Law of Attraction is a LIE! Sort of
William Gay III
Guiding High-Profile Clients to Deep Fulfillment | Expert in Life Transformation
It seems like most of us after the movie “The Secret” have heard of the Law of Attraction, although decades before the movie came Earl Nightingale with “The Strangest Secret”.?
For those that might have missed it a quick review, what we think about happens. Think about seeing a blue car and all of a sudden, we see blue cars everywhere. Wow, it’s magic. Not really but here’s the logic most people seem to go to.?
Well if I think about things and they happen if I sit on my couch and think about a new job, more money, perfect relationship…it’ll happen right!?
If that’s the case I need to create a vision board so that I’m clear about everything I want while I’m sitting on my couch and then think about it until it shows up.?
Ok, I’m going to be a lot gross here. You do know if someone pees on your leg it’s not raining, right?
So, we sit around thinking, I want to attract this or I want to attract that. Victim! Who likes to think of themselves as a victim? I sure don’t although I know I’ve done stupid things in my life that make me a victim now and then. As The Master Coach I talk to people all the time that are rich, high profile, and famous that anyone, including themselves, would not think of themselves as victims. WRONG! From time to time we can all be victims to the world around us and to ourselves with crappy thinking.?
Believe it or not, I am a HUGE fan of manifesting. But I went the extra step and actually looked up what that word means. Not the meaning we get from the ethos of society but what it actually means. Here’s what the dictionary has;
“clear or obvious to the eye or mind:”
Reading that for some it would be easy to think. Gee, if I think about it and have it clear in my mind I can attract it. And that’s sort of right, we do need a vision, we do need to be clear about what we want if we want to get it.?
But we’re missing something here. What is attraction? Attraction is when one object is drawn to another. There’s attraction in people, there’s attraction with gravity and magnets, and there are all sorts of reasons for attraction.?
Ok cool, so we know we need to be clear about what we want and then we want to attract it. Pretty simple right? Not so fast!?
Can someone tell me how attraction works? How does gravity work, how does a magnet work, why are we attracted to one person and not another? Not so easy now is it??
The problem with wanting to attract something is that we become victims to this idea that there is nothing that we have to do or even can do. Just think about it and it shows up.?
Would it be completely ridiculous to empower yourself and ask: Who do I need to be to have what I want to attract? What do I need to do have that thing that I really want? How can I speed this up??
Notice the difference there…I’m not sitting around I’m in action. I’m DOING something and I have the strength and power to make it happen. No Victims here, strong powerful people doing what has to be done to get there.?
Something that sets those I work with aside from others is that they didn’t sit around. They didn’t procrastinate. They worked their butts off to get what they wanted.?
Brittney Spears started at a child working on her singing. It’s easy to forget Jeff Bezos started Amazon in the 90’s and probably started thinking about it in the 80’s.?
They knew what they wanted, they used the law of attraction and manifesting to get the things they wanted but they also did the work, they got off the couch, they weren’t victims.
Who are you going to be? What do you want??
The Master Coach
Change Starts the Moment you reach out.?
Earl Nightingale - The Strangest Secret?
The Secret Documentary Trailer
Professional Client Service Expert / Private Air Travel & Luxury Beauty.
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