The Law Of Attraction

The Law Of Attraction

I will be very brief on this one but it will be one of the best pieces you have to read on a daily....

Identify what you want

Any successful entrepreneur or business leader will tell you that it takes more than dreaming or imagining something to make things happen — it takes a lot of hard work. But it is still important to identify what it is you really want in life. Putting aside fear, if you could do anything in life, what would that be. What would your life look like? Be specific and write things down. And this can shift over time, but it is important to write it down and talk about it. And once you identify these things, start taking action on them.

Your thoughts need to reflect that new desire

Now that you’ve identified what you want, it is important to focus on the thoughts you are having. Your thoughts become things. So when you look in the mirror don’t say negative things like “you’re fat”, “you look horrible”, “you’ll never do anything important”. Start telling yourself a different story. Don’t limit yourself in your thoughts. Don’t take advice from people whose lives you would not want. They may be afraid or timid or negative, but you don’t have to listen to that.

When you have healthy thoughts, your behavior has to reflect that

It’s one thing to give yourself these positive thoughts and affirmations, but it’s another thing to actually act on them. You can dream up anything you want, but until you put behavior behind it, it’s just going to stay a dream.

Invest in yourself

You should be investing time and money in yourself to get where you want to go. Learn new skills, take time to relax, make sure you are staying healthy — invest in yourself physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

That's all I thought we should share to help each other keep our spirit up, have a productive week friends....Until next time.

Article by Leon Mandigara


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