Law of Attraction - An Insight
Dr. Sachitra Chakravorty
Author l Relationship Coach I Counseling Psychologist I Specializing in Self-Improvement l Emotional Wellbeing and Personal Growth l Transforming Lives l Empowering Minds l 20 Yrs. of Proven Success in Therapy & Coaching
Over the past few years, we are listening from close friends, peers and family about Law of Attraction (LoA) and its solutions to all kinds of problems relating to emotional, social, financial, physiological, psychological wellbeing and also relationship challenges and what not? So today we are going to understand what is this LoA is all about. Have you read the book “The Secret”, if not buy the book and try to understand what it says?
The Law of Attraction states that every positive or negative event that happened with you was attracted by you. Say that a special friend loaned you money when you did not have any. You attracted that, even without your awareness of using the law. Say that teacher, classmate, client, or co-worker gave you a hard time during the day. You attracted that, too. Again, we are using the law every second of every day. You have even attracted reading this article!
There are only Four basic steps: Ask, Believe, and Be grateful and Receive.
1. Relax your mind. Meditate for 5 to 10 minutes. Doing this will increase brain power and have your mind at that relaxed state. This step is optional but recommended.
2. Be sure about what you want and when you do decide do not doubt yourself. Remember that you are sending a request to the Universe which is created by thoughts and therefore responds to thoughts. Know exactly what it is that you want. If you're not clear/sure, the Universe will get an unclear frequency and will send you unwanted results. So be sure it is something you have strong enthusiasm for.
3. Ask the Universe for it. Make your request. Send a picture of what you want to the Universe. The Universe will answer. See this thing as already yours. See How to Visualize. The more detailed your vision, the better. If you want that someone see yourself sitting down, playing a game on it. See yourself feeling the controller, playing your favourite game(s), touching the console. If there is that person you have a crush on, see yourself walking with her/him, touching, or caressing the person, or even kissing the person. You get the idea.
4. Write your wish down. Start with "I am so happy and grateful now that..." and finish the sentence (or paragraph) telling the Universe what it is that you want. Write it in the present tense as if you have it right now. Avoid negation. Every day until your wish comes true, close your eyes and imagine your desire as if it's happening right now.
5. Feel it. Feel the way you will now after receiving your wish. You must act, speak, and think as if you are receiving it now. This is actually the most important, powerful important step in using the Law of Attraction because this is where it starts working, and sometimes if you do this you don't feel like you need it anymore because you FEEL like you already have it! and then the universe will manifest this thought and feeling and you will receive it.
6. Show gratitude. Write down all the things the Universe has given you. Be thankful for what you already have and be thankful for all the things the Universe has given you. The Universe has done a lot of things for us. Paying the Universe back with some gratitude will motivate the Universe to do even more things and will draw more things into your life. If you were once bullied and that person stopped, that is one thing to be thankful for. You should also thank the Universe for this process too. Showing gratitude will turbo boost the Universe to manifest your request faster.
7. Trust the Universe. Imagine an alternate dimension that is almost exactly like the real world but whatever you truly desire comes true in an instant. See yourself in that dimension, where whatever you ask the Universe for comes to you in an instant. Do not look for what you asked for; this is where people tend to mess up. If you have to keep an eye out for an event that manifests your wish, it is only telling the Universe you don't have it and you will attract...not having it. Be patient. Do not get upset if these things don't happen immediately. Do not stress the "how" of things. Let the Universe do it for you. When you take the Universe's job of worrying about the "how", this says you're lacking faith and that you're telling the Universe what to do when the Universe has far greater knowledge and power than human mankind.
We cannot always control our circumstances, but we can control our responses to them. In this vein, the Law of Attraction can provide the optimism and proactive attitude that's associated with resilience in difficult situations but must not be used as a tool of self-blame. Our responses to the challenges we face can make us stronger in the end, and the Law of Attraction can be used for that end, but should not be applied negatively, or it can be more destructive than helpful.
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3 年Sachitra, thanks for sharing!