Law of attraction is the biggest cash cow of today’s generation and the popular concept that suggests that our thoughts and feelings have the power to manifest our desires into reality. It is based on the idea that the universe is made up of energy, and that we can attract positive or negative experiences into our lives based on the energy we put out.

At its core, the Law of Attraction is a simple idea that whatever you focus on, you attract into your life. If you think positive thoughts and feel positive emotions, you will attract positive experiences into your life. If you think negative thoughts and feel negative emotions, you will attract negative experiences.

The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that everything in the universe is made up of energy, including our thoughts and emotions. This energy vibrates at different frequencies, and we can attract experiences that match our vibration.

Among many other tool visualizations is an important tool for manifesting our desires. By visualizing what we want, we can create a clear mental picture of our desired outcome and attract it into our lives.

The technique focus more on manifestation of our desire and not the karma. Because by only dreaming of becoming rich one can not become rich. One need to work smartly to be rich and so working ( karma ) is very important as without working no one will pay us.

As an astrologer I understand that if a person is not destined to be rich as per his / her horoscope then he will not / never become rich in-spite of he / she practicing to attract money according to law of attraction.

One need to understand it logically that if by practicing law of attraction one can make money who is not destined to be rich, and that person becomes rich then all astrology is a fake and it holds no good.

So here comes a situation where one of the knowledge areas is correct and the other is incorrect.

I can put it in other way also that if the theory of law of attraction is correct and it can give people what they desire by practicing it then astrologers ( astrology ) could have used it as the best remedy for people who can not become rich as per their horoscope.

Astrology is a divine knowledge with proofs as predictions itself speaks as the proof of it.

If by manifestation as a technique in law of attraction with which one can achieve their desires, then every people will stop performing ( doing karma / work ) and everyone will be at home lying on their bed and will only keep dreaming to be rich.

The whole world will come to a stand still position as no one wiil be ready to work and be at home to dream and become rich, which is a very very easy way.

A bed ridden person also will start practicing law of attraction to attract money lying on bed doing nothing but manifestation of becoming rich.

Astrology on the other hands are with the proofs with dictums that is applicable to any human being of the world who will have same kind destiny for a particular event under a set of combination of planets in their horoscope.

When astrology spells out an event for a person and if it is negative then no law of attraction in the world can give that event to that person in his life, as astrology has the base of truth in their prediction and it will happen that way only.

Now its upto the reader to understand . . . .what to belive . . . itching the head now . . .ha ha ha ha ha ha . . . . . . .

#lawofattraction #lawofattractionisreal #lawofattractionfake #vedicastrology #astrology #vedicjyotish

Interesting sir. The definition says, "Daridra yoga" forms when malefic planets afflict wealth-related houses (second, eleventh) or their lords, or when the ninth house of fortune suffers from a debilitation. Can you kindly explain it in detail? And are there exceptions in the formation of this yoga, in spite of the malefic planets PAC positions?

