THE LAW OF ATTRACTIO: YOUR ATTITUDE                                   
 By Dr. Herbert Harris


The Law of Attraction: Your Attitude

By Dr. Herbert Harris

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The Universal Law of Human Magnetism more popularly known as the Law of Attraction is stated in the Bible at Galatians 6:7:

“...for whatsoever a (person) soweth,

that shall (they) also reap.

A simple statement of the Universal Law of Attraction is:

Like Attracts Like.

The basic principle of the Law of Attraction is that you attract what you are, and you are ?what you think about most of the time.

Each of us is a human magnet, attracting or repelling, like or unlike, thoughts, feelings, and associations into our life experience.

This Universal Law of Attraction reveals one of the fundamental principles of life—that life is lived from within, out. Whatever the vision of your desired life experience, it will only manifest when you feel, in your innermost feelings, that you are worthy of it. This desired outcome has its greatest impact when it is in harmony with your purpose.

?“Feeling gets the blessing.”

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?Your attitude is a form of human radiation which gives other people a perception and understanding of who you are, what you are about, and where you are going. It is a manner of feeling, acting, and thinking that shows your disposition, opinion, and personality.

This instrument of communication is a moment-to-moment projection of your thoughts and feelings onto the world. Based on whatever you send out, the world responds to you. Your attitude is a powerful tool that can be used effectively to attract desired people, things, and circumstances into your life experience.

What you recognize, you energize.

What you energize, you realize.


Based on?The Twelve Universal Laws of Success. Autographed?copy at:? .?Learn more and get the?SUCCESS TOOLBOX?now ?at:??

?? Copyright 2023, LifeSkill Institute, P.O. Box 302, Wilmington, NC 28402; 800-570-4009;?[email protected]

Roham Mehrabi

Building @ | Machine Learning Researcher @ UC San Diego

1 年

Great article! Your insight on the power of attitude is spot on. Our attitude truly does radiate out and shape how others perceive and understand us. It's a reminder of the importance of cultivating a positive mindset and outlook. I'm curious, in your experience, how have you seen individuals transform their attitude and harness the law of attraction to achieve their goals and find success? I'm intrigued by your expertise in this area and would love to connect with you.


