The Law Of Alchemy
Chukwuebuka Abazie
Christian Content Writer ? Brand Strategist ? Product Manager ? Talk Podcaster ? Therapeutic Life Coach & Spiritual Tutor ? Focused On Providing Information & Solution Through Spiritual Enlightenment
The nature of alchemy is perplexed for sure, however alchemy is an ancient branch of natural philosophy that’s historically practiced. Alchemy is a combination of philosophical and proto-scientific theories which I believe has great influence in shaping the world we see today. In certain religious and spiritual groups, the term alchemy is also known as the Midas Touch, Pandora's box or the Philosopher's Stone. However, they all mean one thing and that is the ability to transform or transmute base metals into refined gold. Alchemizing or to alchemize is simply the process of transforming anything into pure gold. Alchemy is a solid foundation for traditions and religion, likewise can be found in most cultural groups today. Such predefining phenomenon has structured certain patterns and beliefs systems. To alchemize is to make the best out of nothing, to create or build something from nothing. In hermetic and gnostic terms, the term alchemy is the artificial production of gold most commonly referred to as the alleged transmutation of base metals into refined products. As we journey through the depths of this subject, I’d be giving you typical examples that you are also an alchemist. To be called an alchemist is to be able to transmute energy into something beneficial, when you alchemize energy, creation takes place.
The truth about this journey called life is that, souls that incarnate into this physical dimension to experience life in its entirety, first of all existed as beings of light within space and time. Every being on earth today belongs to different star systems and civilisations. These star systems are what we all know as the galactic federation and they’re the anchors for human evolution as far as the human civilisation is concerned. These star systems are; The Angelic, The Lumerians & Sumerians, The Pleiadans, The Atlantic & The Reptilians. The transmutation of energy from negative to positive is simply alchemy. When a being becomes awakened and begins to seek out the meaning of life in its truest form, it’s simply alchemy. Alchemy is not religious or spiritual, it’s simply a way of life. It’s something we do and practice everyday whether we’re aware of it or not, whether conscious of it or not, we alchemize everyday. The implementation of alchemy in our everyday life is mandatory for human to experience the flow of life. The conceptualisation of our thoughts and feelings when we alchemize them the right way, allows us to grow and learn.
- When you leave a toxic relationship and begin to nurture yourself more, that’s alchemy.
- When you let go of an old belief system and make way for new perspective to flow in, that’s alchemy.
- When you grow from a weak mindset to a much stronger mindset, that’s alchemy.
- When you repent from your old ways and become saved through christ, that’s alchemy.
In the christian mythology, the term alchemy is known as salvation. To experience salvation is to undergo transformation, the bible tells us that in the book of Romans 12:2 and it says; Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing and perfect will. So basically when we repent, we turn aside the old way of thinking to a new way of thinking. We turn from the old way of life to a new way of life. We turn from a non-believer to a true believer. To me, that’s refinement which is simply alchemy. When we examine the life of Jesus and study his ministry closely, Jesus introduced alchemy to men in a more detailed form. He made the best from nothing. The miraculous works he did, like turning water into sweet wine, feeding the 5000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes, walking on water and more was a deployment of an ancient formula that even his predecessors used. However, Jesus’s approach was different from those prophets that had long lived before the birth of Jesus. Everything within the cosmos was alchemized by the creator himself.
If we explore closely the book of genesis 1:1 when God created the heavens and the earth, the bible said that the earth was dark empty, and without form, then something interesting caught my attention again in verse 3. The bible says that the spirit of God was hovering over the waters and God himself who’s the creator of heaven and earth said let there be light, and out of darkness came light. Now when we analyse this process of creation, God himself made something come out of nothing, and for everything he’s created small or big, little or great, they’re all beautiful. God alchemized the darkness in order to get light, God alchemized the waters in other to get the soil we all know as earth, God alchemized the earth to produce the trees, birds, animals and more. Now, interestingly that wasn’t all. God then went on from there and collected resources from earth and animals, to uniquely create Adam who’s typically the first homo-sepian and from Adam came Eve. So when we put these puzzles together, we’d get one thing and that’s alchemy.
That’s why God the supreme creator remains the master alchemist, whereas his only begotten son remains the master strategist because his strategy was the only way that could redeem man from eternal abyss. Literally Jesus taught man how to redeem themselves by first redeeming himself on the cross. The exuberance of redemption after the fall of man was first exercised by Jesus Christ, however Jesus didn’t just throw away the ancient knowledge that had been before his ministry begun. Matter of fact, Jesus had to attend the ancient mysteries schools in Giza, Egypt before beginning his ministry. Jesus being the messiah, had to study the myths of creation and how people who walked this earth before him had done, he gathered all those information and crafted out his own unique strategy that we all enjoyed today. God the supreme creator used prophets like Moses, Elijah and more to utilise alchemy. When Moses struck the rock and water came out of it, that’s alchemy. When Moses parted the Red Sea with a rod, that’s alchemy. God used these great men to teach us and show us how great and marvellous he is. But in the life of Jesus, a unique strategy and plan was deployed that became the saving grace that’s made available for you and I.
Another interesting epistle I want to share with you is something I’ve discovered recently, I believe this knowledge that I’m about to share with you has been hidden in plane sight. Meaning that we see these things often but haven’t taken time to discover the meaning behind them. Imagine for a minute, the solar system which consists of 8 planets namely; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are the star civilisations that make up the councils of the galactic federation. Now aside earth, every other planet has? its own energy of life and the relevance it produces within the cosmos at large. Hence, earth was created for the purpose of experiencing life as a physical being, this means that we cannot exist and was freely outside earth. Earth has the energy of beauty and sensuality to recreate life. The essence of source’s creation was to experience and recreate, that is why God created Adam and Eve, not as babies but as full grown adults. Recreation itself started with Cain and Abel, however the interesting thing about Adam and Eve made me understand for sure that just before recreation begins, he needed to be sure how the end will be. So when he created Adam and Eve as full grown adults, cain and abel came as babies. The bible tells us that God knows our ends from the beginning, Jeremiah 1:5 reads; “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” This scripture tells us about the intelligent nature of God, that before he said this to Jeremiah, he already had a backing and proof of what he’s saying. That he was so intelligent enough to create a full grown adult and watch how they adapt and learn, he watched how they made choices and all of that. Now ask yourself, why didn’t God create Adam and Eve as babies and watch them grow to become adults, He knows that if he had done that, there’ll be no way that prophecy would be fulfilled. He had to by-cut everything and got to the end even before it began. He knows the end from the beginning, we’re dealing with an intelligent God that knows all because he is ALL.
Now, back to what I’m saying, the star civilisations are the 8 planets including earth. Every planet or civilisation has their own individual race, but for earth we have the human civilisation and the advantage of being here today to experience life is because you’re also a creator that’s meant to create something on this planet. If we study this star systems closely, we’d see that everything began from the dark all the way to the light. That is why some planets are hot and some are cold, some planets are closer to the sun whereas others are very dark. The darkest planet is Neptune, meaning that this is the only planet that has refused to receive light. As funny as it may sound, they mean something and their relevance is what I’m about to share with you next.
The density of evolution insists that just before ascension occurs, we must first descend. That is why God the creator came down from his throne in heaven and moved within the face of the deep before he said let there be light. He descended to ascend back after creation. The same applies to earth, you and I are angels and saints in heaven, then we all agreed and volunteered to be here today. That is why we left our homes in heaven to be born on earth. Interestingly as it may sound, this was where everything began. Now for the purpose of illustration, I’d be using the planet Neptune and also the Sun, just so you understand what I’m saying.
The darkest planet which is Neptune represents the darkness from which light was created, Then the sun is the highest and brightest of them all because it holds light. Light in spirituality represents illumination, however before things become illuminated to you, you must rise and ascend towards the light. Now we came down from heaven not knowing who we are and where we’ve been, and as we became spiritually awakened we begin to ascend towards this bright light. Hence, the process of ascension is what you and I signed up for, simply because we want to know what it is and how it feels within this realm. We want to know how it feels to be lost and found, we want to know how it feels to be all caught up in a dark place and still make our way to the light. We want to know how it feels to loose it all and just when you feel there’s no way out, God hits the magic reset button that’ll turn your life around in such a way that you can’t help but wander. It’s always about the experience and the process. When God shows you a peak into your future, you’d be happy that this is how your life will be. But then, what you don’t know is that you’re setting yourself up to experience what you just saw. In other to get that life you prayed for, you must go through the process. The process that gets you what you truly want is what truly matters, however, I believe God will not show us anything about our lives if he’s not prepared us for the process. The process is what makes the experience and the experience is what makes sense to our soul. The planet Neptune represents the darkness that we must first deal with then rise from it, the sun represents the light. The sun illuminates but we must rise from the dark place and ascend to the light. In the process of ascending, things that’s been hidden from us becomes illuminated to us. These includes consciously and subconsciously, things we weren’t paying attention to or aware of, gradually gravitates itself to the forefront of our conscious mind. The 8 planets represents the 8 realms or dimension that we must cross paths with if we must enter into the luminous sunlight. The sun inclusive becomes the 9th planet or the 9th realm, the 9th realm represents power, oneness, light, illumination, revelation etc. Some theories believe that when you fully ascend, you become one with God. Others believe that anyone who’ve succeeded in ascending pass these 8 realms has fully awakened to whom they are, some believes that it’s in this realm that one gets gifted with the Birds Eye view to see deeper and beyond what’s on the surface. Hence when one begins to utilise them often, they expand more. In such process, alchemy is the only formula that you need if you must successfully ascend. Because the more you ascend the more you become a subject for attack, people and situations will try to pull you down, spiritual warfare often presents itself to you, people you least expect will try to throw negative energy your way. But in all these situations, you’ve the power to alchemize them for your own good and make it a stepping stone to the next level. Ascending past these realms has a lesson that you must learn or a karmic debt that you must pay. This is what we know as life’s test, the test of life is to equip and prepare you for the task ahead. The task ahead of you is your destiny and your soul’s mission, however to fully understand who you are, you must get to the sun (son) of God.
Jesus is the only begotten son of God, he is the only sunlight we need to get out of our darkest places. He’s the light we need to follow through as we experience this journey called life. Without him, we’d be lost but when we have him, even when we’re lost we can still be found. He’s also a shepherd remember?
He doesn’t leave his children behind, even when we fall back or fall down, he’s kind and compassionate enough to turn around and pull us back up. He knows how it feels to be human, he knows how it feels to be neglected, hated, mocked and criticised, or even attacked for no reason. He knows because he came to earth as a human being, and he felt exactly the same way you felt or currently feeling. He knows the pain that the dark holds, that’s why he agreed to pay the ultimate price for you and I. His death on the cross was the price he paid for man’s redemption. And that’s why he’s always ready to give us a lending hand at any given time. There’s no perfect master that can help and love the way Jesus does, there’s no body that has such capacity to redeem you if not Jesus. Others will fail because they’re limited, but Jesus isn’t. Matter of fact, his name hold so much power in both realms that at the mention of his name, chains are broken, demons are destroyed, librations and freedom becomes your compensation. The interesting fact is that, you get to experience all these for free because he paid the price already on the cross of calvary.
Wanna know more about this topic? I created a video just for you.
God bless you!