Laundromat Attendant Suggested Training
If you’re a first-time buyer of a laundromat, and never owned another business, it might be the first time you have had to hire an attendant or cleaning person to help you keep you store clean. I suggest you purchase aprons, shirts, name pins or other form of identification so customers know you have an attendant available to help them. Here is a suggested list of some other duties you might want to provide to your employees of what will be expected of them in working for you. Hope this helps stimulate creation of your own list of expectations that can be reviewed, provided to your workers and posted in the back rooms of your laundromat for workers to regularly review.
1. Turn on all televisions or other items that need to be turned on manually.
2. Check bathrooms to ensure they are clean, have toilet paper, have soap, have paper towels.
3. Ensure all employee access doors are closed and locked. Prevents children from going into back rooms and dangerous areas, such as behind the dryers.
4. Perform walk-thru of laundry to ensure it is clean and ready for business (machines, magazine rack, coffee area, kid's area, folding tables, customer tables, attendant area, etc.).
5. Turn on fans, cooling or swamp coolers in days that are going to be hot.
1. Provide customer service, open doors, say hello, offer assistance, help understand machines and pricing.
2. Process any Wash/Dry/Fold orders.
3. Keep attendant area clean and organized (especially any customer items).
4. Clean all dryer lint screens as often as necessary. Check at least twice a day each dryer screen.
5. Periodically open each washer and spin it to ensure there is no left-over laundry or dirt/debris.
6. Wipe down tops of all machines – open soap dispensers and clean if dirty. Wash after excess soap residue.
7. Wipe down folding and customer tables.
8. Check on bathroom every two hours and clean as necessary.
9. Sweep and mop floors as necessary throughout the day.
10. Pick up any trash or debris from the front of the store and the sidewalks. 11. Open bathroom door for customers as needed.
1. Turn off all televisions or other items that need to be turned off manually
2. Empty all garbage cans into dumpster and clean as needed.
3. Perform walk-thru of laundry to ensure it is clean and ready for the next day's business (machine tops CLEAN and dusted, every washer with door open, magazine rack, coffee area, kid's area, folding tables, customer tables, attendant area.
4. Make sure all customer items are properly tagged and organized for the next shift.
5. Turn off any fans, swamp coolers or air conditioning.
1. Greet the customers. Say hello and make eye contact, let them know you are there to help them and answer any questions they might have about the laundromat.
2. Help any customers that need assistance getting their laundry items in or out of the store. Offer a cart or hold open the door for them.
3. Greet customer, offer to help them, ask if they know how to use the washers and dryers.
4. Share the special sized washers you might have and other amenities such as vending or children’s area.
5. Smile and be outgoing, helpful and friendly.
What additional duties do you suggest?