Launching the WordPress on Google Cloud Platform using the Concept of Kubernetes

Launching the WordPress on Google Cloud Platform using the Concept of Kubernetes

Hi Learner! Before jumping the practical part of this article, we have to understand the concept of what are terminologies and techniques we will use to perform the practical part of the article. So here I tried to clear the concepts which I will use to perform the practical part. I hope you will enjoy this article. so let's jump into the theoretical part.

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Google Cloud Platform: Google Cloud Platform (GCP), offered by Google, is a suite of cloud computing services that run on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products, such as Google Search, Gmail, file storage, and YouTube. Alongside a set of management tools, it provides a series of modular cloud services including computing, data storage, data analytics, and machine learning. Registration requires a credit card or bank account details.

Project in GCP: A project organizes all your Google Cloud resources. A project consists of a set of users; a set of APIs; and billing, authentication, and monitoring settings for those APIs. So, for example, all of your Cloud Storage buckets and objects, along with user permissions for accessing them, reside in a project. You can have one project, or you can create multiple projects and use them to organize your Google Cloud resources, including your Cloud Storage data, into logical groups.

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Virtual Private Cloud: A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network is a virtual version of a physical network, implemented inside of Google's production network, using Andromeda. A VPC network provides the instances, GKE App Engine. HTTP for internal, Load Balancing, VPC, etc. Projects can contain multiple VPC networks. Unless you create an organizational policy that prohibits it, new projects start with a default network (an auto mode VPC network) that has one subnetwork (subnet) in each region.

VPC Network Peering

VPC Network Peering: Google Cloud VPC Network Peering allows internal IP address connectivity across two Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) networks regardless of whether they belong to the same project or the same organization.

VPC Network Peering enables you to connect VPC networks so that workloads in different VPC networks can communicate internally. Traffic stays within Google's network and doesn't traverse the public internet.

Kubernetes: Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. It has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem. Kubernetes services, support, and tools are widely available.

Kubernetes Architecture

The name Kubernetes originates from Greek, meaning helmsman or pilot. Google open-sourced the Kubernetes project in 2014. Kubernetes combines over 15 years of Google's experience running production workloads at scale with best-of-breed ideas and practices from the community.

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE): Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) provides a managed environment for deploying, managing, and scaling your containerized applications using Google infrastructure. The GKE environment consists of multiple machines (specifically, Compute Engine instances) grouped together to form a Cluster.

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Load Balancer: A load balancer distributes user traffic across multiple instances of your applications. By spreading the load, load balancing reduces the risk that your applications experience performance issues.

Google App Engine: App Engine is a fully managed, serverless platform for developing and hosting web applications at scale. You can choose from several popular languages, libraries, and frameworks to develop your apps, then let App Engine take care of provisioning servers and scaling your app instances based on demand.

Identity and Access Management: Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers Identity and Access Management (IAM), which lets you grant granular access to specific GCP resources and prevents unwanted access to other resources. IAM lets you adopt the security principle of least privilege, so you grant only the necessary access to your resources.

Note: When you will enter the practical part of this article then you will go through pod, cluster, Container, WordPress, sql database etc terminologies and techniques. So I will recommend to you. first, you go through this article then jump on the practical part so that you can understand the right meaning of these terminologies.

Problem Statement:

  1. We have to create two different projects such as Dev and Prod.
  2. In Dev project, we have to create one VPC in the Singapore region while in the Prod project we have to create one VPC in Asia region for Dev project.
  3. We have to connect both the VPC using VPC Peering.
  4. In the Dev project: We have to launch a Kubernetes Cluster using GCP Google Kubernetes Engine Service.
  5. In the Prod project: We have to create MySQL Database using GCP SQL service.
  6. We have to launch WordPress, Drupal, etc pod as a front-end on the top of GKE Cluster and link it with SQL database which is acting as a back-end for us.

Now I hope you have the idea of these above terminologies and technologies so let's jump the practical part with delay.

Step 1: Try to understand the dashboard part of GCP.

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Here you can see guys I am in my console of GCP. So According to our problem statement, we have to create the two projects. one is for the development environment and the second is for a production environment. Here you can see the terminal icon on the console, so click on that icon and follow step 2.

Step 2: Here I have two ways (i.e manual and using Cloud Shell) to create the project but I am following the Cloud Shell approach. So give the below command to create the dev-project.

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Step 3: Create a project for the production environment.

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Note: Here I will want to clear that "dev-project-9025" and "prod-project-9025" are the IDs of the projects which I will use in the coming steps and every project has the unique id so we can't use the same id in a different project. so we have to create a unique project id for every project.

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Here you can see I have more two projects. one is "dev-project" and the second is "prod-project".

Step 4: Enable the billing for both projects.

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Here you can see the billing is disabled for the projects and for enabling we have to click on the action and then click on change billing.

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So here you can see the billing is successfully enabled for both the projects i.e Dev and Prod.

Step 5.1: In these Steps, we will enable the API because it is necessary to create VPC.

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 Step 5.3: Click on "ENABLE".

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Now You can see that it is successfully enabled.

Creation of VPC for Prod Project

Step 6.1: Search VPC on GCP search bar then you will find this type of interface.

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Step 6.2: Click on CREATE VPC NETWORK for creating new VPC.

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Step 6.3: Set the VPC name as "myvpcforprod" and for this VPC and lab or subnet as "subnet-lab2".

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Step 6.4: Launch this VPC in Europe region i.e "europe-north1" and setting IP address range as "".

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Step 6.5: Just click on create and VPC will be created.

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Here you can "myvpcforprod" is created successfully.

Step 7.1: This step is for the internal setting of "dev-project". so search "Google API" on GCP search bar and enable the API.

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Step 7.2: Enable API for Compute Engine because for creating a VPC network it is necessary.

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Here you can see API is enabled.

Creation of VPC for Dev Project

Step 8.1: Search VPC on the GCP search bar and click on "CREATE VPC NETWORK".

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Step 8.2: Give a name for VPC as "myvpcfordev" for this VPC and create one subnet i.e lab as "sub-lab1".

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Step 8.3: launching this VPC in Asia region i.e "asia-east1" and setting IP address range as ""

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Step 8.4: Just click on create and VPC will be created .

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 Here you can see "myvpcfordev" is successfully created.

VPC Network Peering:

Production Part :

Step 9.1:Go to VPC networking peering and click on "CREATE CONNECTION"

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Step 9.2: Click on "CONTINUE"

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Step 9.3: Set "vpc-peering-prod" as a peering name and vpc network for dev project is "myvpcforprod" and peer this VPC network with another project VPC i.e dev project VPC.

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Note: Just click on "CREATE". After clicking create peering, you will find a inactive peering. But don't worry of it. when you will attach second peering eg. dev peering then this peering also will be active automatically.


Step 10.1:  Go to VPC network peering in the VPC network and click on "CREATE CONNECTION"

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Step10.2: Click on Continue.

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Step 10.3: Set "vpc-peering-dev" as a peering name and my vpc network for dev project is "myvpcfordev" and peer this VPC network with another project VPC i.e prod project VPC.

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Here VPC Network Peering is set successfully.


Step 11.1: Download Google Cloud SDK and open it.

Note: You can use this link to download the Google SDK.

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Step 11.2: Click on next.

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Step 11.3: Click on " I Agree".

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Step 11.4: Click on "Next".

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Step 11.5 Set the path of SDK then click on " Next".

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Step 11.6: Click on "Install".

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Step 11.7: This step may take some time So keep patience and after downloading click on "Next".

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Step 11.8: Click on " Finish".

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Step 11.9:As you will click on "Finish" then this type of screen will come up.

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Step 11.10: As you type "y" then your google sign page will comes here Either you can sign with your exist account or also can use another account.

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Step 11.11: As you will click on "Allow" then Below screen will come up.

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Step 11.12: Run one command "gcloud project list". it show me all the project in my account.

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Launch a Kubernetes Cluster using GCP Google Kubernetes Engine Service in dev-project.

Step 12.1: Search Kubernetes on GCP Search bar then click on Kubernetes Engine.

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Here you can see Kubernetes Engine API is enabling.

Step 12.2: Click on " Create cluster".

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Step 12.3: Set location type as "regional" ,allocating "asia-east1" as a region and give cluster an name as "k8s-cluster".

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Step 12.4: Set number of nodes as "1" and click on "specify node location".

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Step 12.5: Select Series and Machine type according to your requirement.

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12.6: Set the Security according to as you want.

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Step 12.7: Select Network name as "myvpcdev" and Node subnet as "subnet lab1" then click on "create".

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Here you can see my Kubernetes cluster using GKE has been configured.

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Here you can see in the VM instances my 3 slave nodes are actively running.

Step 12.8: Click on "connect" then this type window will come up. So click on "Run in Cloud Shell".

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Step 12.9: Now this command will paste automatically so hit enter. Here you can see KubeConfig entry is generated for k8s-cluster.

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Step 12.10: Use "kubectl get pods" command so you can see there is no pods or no resource found in the default namespace.

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Step 12.11: Use "kubectl get nodes" command so you can see I have 3 slave nodes or worker nodes.

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Deploying WordPress on the top of K8S Cluster.

Step 13.1: Use "kubectl get pods " and then you can see recently there is no pods.

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Step 13.2: Use "kubectl create deployment wordpress-pod --image=wordpress-5.1.1-php7.3-apache" command. and you also can see I have created one pod named as "wordpress-pod".

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Step 13.3: Use this command "kubectl get pods" to check that pod status is running or not.

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Here you can the whole details of your k8s cluster by "kubectl get all -o wide" command it shows us about replica set, in which slave your pod is running and it also shows us service.

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Here you can see by "kubectl get svc" command about the service of k8s and here one service is by default active by k8s.

Step 13.4: Use "kubectl expose deployment wordpress-pod --type=LoadBalncer --port=80" command to expose wordpress pod to the outside world and k8s service load balancer internally contact to the load balancer of GCP and launch one load balancer for us.

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Step 13.5: Search load Balancer on GCP Search bar and Launch a load balancer

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Here you can see load balancer is launched.

Step 13.6: Use "kubectl get svc" command to see load balancer service is Acitve.

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Now you can see we have a internal IP.

Step 13.7: Use EXTERNAL IP, anyone from the outside world can access my WordPress site. So click on "Continue".

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before clicking on "let's go!" we have to think about the database for this now I am switching my project to prod and where I am going to launch MySQL database and link it with the WordPress.

Create MySQL Database using GCP SQL service in prod-project.

Step 14.1: Go to Cloud SQL Instances and Click on "Create Instance".

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Note: When you will click on "Create Instance" then a page comes up so then click on "Choose MySQL".So set instance ID as "mysql-database" , root password , region as "europe-north1" with b data center or zone and I am using version 5.7 of MySQL

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You can see my "mysql-database" has been created and having one public IP.

Step 14.2: Going inside the connections.

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Step 14.3: Setting an firewall as allow all where I set network cidr as .Then just click on "save".

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Step 14.4: Going to create an new user for my database for this. Just click on "ADD USER ACCOUNT" . 

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Step 14.5: Set username and password , then click "ADD".

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Here you can see "sachin" user has been created.

Step 14.6: Now go to databases and click on "CREATE DATABASE" for creating new database.

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Step 14.6: Set database name, then click "CREATE".

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 Here you can see my "mydatabase" database has been created.

Step 14.8: Click on option "connect using cloud shell", it will active cloud shell for us to connecting with SQL database using root user.

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Here you can see I have proper connectivity with SQL database using the root user.

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Here you can see I am able to see my "mydatabase" database by "show databases; " command.

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I also test this same for "sachin" user.


Step 14.9: Copy the public ip of "mysql-database" paste on br.

Note: I know my username as "sachin" and password as "sqlpass" just for testing.

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So you can see here i fill all the details of my SQL database that will link SQL which is running in US region or in prod project with the wordpress which is running in the singapore region or in dev project.

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Just click on run the installation.

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Set the details and install wordpress

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Provide the login details.

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You can see my wordpress is opened successfully and behind the scene it is storing all the information in the SQL database and i am going to write the blog.

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Then just publish it.

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After publishing you will get one link from which you can access your wordpress site.

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Here you can see my blog is publically available. Also the problem statement has been solved.

thank you for reading ...

if you have any query please feel free to DM me at 9084369325.

Zoya Javed K

QC Chemist | Formulation Associate| Good at Documentations and Analysis | Always a Learner.

4 年

Great work .


Full-stack Developer at Mobius by Gaian with expertise in React.js, Node.js and MongoDB

4 年

good job bro :)

Shivam Gupta

Java | Spring Boot | Microservices | Backend Developer | Researcher | Machine Learning | MLH Best Social Good Hack Winner

4 年

Great Work... ?? Nicely Explained



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