Nutrition Network
Education, connection & accredited global e-learning platform providing the latest online training in Low Carb Nutrition
With the advent of the global pandemic in 2019, the world at large was forced to navigate through unfamiliar and uncharted territory. The global lockdown and staggering numbers of COVID-19 related fatalities left behind a trail of uncertainty, fear, anxiety, grief and panic, for both families as well as those at the frontlines, tasked with treating and preventing the further spread of this unfamiliar virus.
At the heart of this, were frontline workers and first responders, who faced the full brunt of its psychological burden. Two years on, and what remains clear, is the urgent need to bring awareness to and address the impact of the excessive levels of stress, anxiety, and burn-out, experienced by health care workers.
In light of this,?Nutrition Network?(NN) has identified the need for the medical fraternity and broader industries at large to be better equipped to not only identify for yourself, your colleagues and friends, but to better manage and carve out a path for recovery, with the launch of its?latest offering,?Resilience: Mental Health and Stress Management Training.
This extensive training is aimed at Medical Professionals, First Responders, Allied Health Care Professionals, as well as anyone who is interested in building mental and physical resilience in the face of work related stressors.
“How can we talk about overall health and not address stress, mental health and wellness and the way we live? We have to be talking more about mental wellness and making radical changes to our lives and the way we work and live to include it as a priority. Healthcare employers need to be taking action in all areas to ensure that our valuable, essential workers are treated more like human beings and less like machines or cogs in a wheel.” says Jayne Bullen, Managing Director of NN and Mind Body Medicine practitioner and advocate.?
She further says: “I view this training as the first in a growing body of work within our professional community that engages the intercept between mental health and physical health much more actively”.?
A certain amount of pressure both at work can help to motivate you, but too much can lead to work-related stress. Work-related stress can have a negative impact on your physical, mental and emotional states of health, causing burnout.
NN’s Medical Curriculum Director, Dr Hassina Kajee says “A lot of people suffer from the stigma attached to a diagnosis of burn-out. When it becomes easier to define what burn-out is, it becomes easier for people to recognize what they are going through and to seek help before they get to a catastrophic end result”
As reported by WHO1, “Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions:
In this training, you will:
Some key contributors on this training include:
This much needed training will empower you to find the key stepping stones on your journey to recognizing and recovering from burnout and stress.
The training launches 28 September 2022 and is currently open for enrolment at an Early Bird discount, of $79. For more information on how to apply?click here.?