Launching SGS’s ?IoT Security Checked Label” for Smart Home-, Consumer IoT Devices and Smart Toys
Bernd Auer
Digital Sustainability Transformation - Scope 4 - Turn Your Company, City or Municipality to a Sustainable and Better Tomorrow!
Dear All,
SGS, the largest inspection, testing and certification company worldwide, is launching the "IoT Security Checked Label" for Consumer IoTs, Smart Toys and Smart Home Devices to protect consumers, to gain trust and showing responsibility for your cybersecurity duty on the market.
You can start ‘small’ within the cybersecurity program and, depending on what must be achieved in terms of cybersecurity regulatory or/and standards, so that you can raise your maturity to your corresponding cybersecurity assurance level.
The ‘IoT Security Checked Label’ is relevant for retailers as well as manufacturers.
The detailed 'IoT Security Checked Label' program can be found here:
If the ‘IoT Security Checked Label’ could be relevant for your company, please get in contact with me.
I am looking forward to your interest!
With best regards, Bernd