Launching a New Logo in the Lone Star State at NADA 2023
The year was 1996. The Dallas Cowboys had just won their third Super Bowl in four seasons and their fifth overall. Michael Jordan’s Chicago Bulls became the first NBA team to win over 70 games in the regular season. Tiger Woods made his professional debut. And I was nine years into what would become a 36-year (and counting) career with Reynolds and Reynolds. It was also the last time we rolled out a new logo prior to this year’s NADA.
Throughout our history, Reynolds has rebranded its logo several times. You may have seen some of the old logos featured here on LinkedIn in the build up to NADA. Our logo is synonymous with our brand identity, and each time we’ve made an update it was done with intent. The latest version demonstrates our commitment to a new Reynolds. A new set of software solutions to help our customers compete. And our belief in a brighter future for the industry that we all love to serve. Every time I see it, I’m reminded of all the work we’ve put into making changes in the last two years.
In addition to all the buzz about the new logo, we had a number of other exciting announcements prior to the start of NADA. You may have seen me post about our most recent acquisition, American Guardian Warranty Services, Inc. They’re a premier provider of F&I products, and combining their expertise and unrivaled service with our knowledge, resources, and ability to scale is a perfect fit. In December, Proton Dealership IT released new comprehensive compliance tools and services to help dealers satisfy the FTC Safeguards Rule and better protect against cyberattacks. Proton will also be enhancing their cyber threat monitoring and response services with a new state-of-the-art security operations center, scheduled to be completed later this year.
At the show itself, we demonstrated how our Retail Management System has expanded. Dealerships are able to Retail Anywhere across their entire business and work with customers, manufacturers, vendors, and lenders instantly, wherever they are. In sales and F&I, there is one single deal from chat all the way to funded, with no need for rekeying and no need to back into a deal in F&I. In fixed operations, dealers can expand service capacity without expanding their hours. And in the business office, dealers can precisely control the flow of cash across every transaction.
As I mentioned last year, NADA can be exhausting. But this year’s show left me feeling more energized than ever about the direction Reynolds is taking. We’re entering a new chapter. Join us as we turn the page together.