Launching my Program Clinics
First of all thank you very much for Subscribing to my Newsletter and as a thank you today I launch a new service with a Special Offer just for you. The Promo Code you will need is at the end. As regular readers of the Newsletter you will know that I have experimented with Videos, Podcasting and the written word to put my message across.
That message, by the way, is my view on how Finance should be Transformed based on my personal practical experience. I have no issues if you wish to follow a different path, but as in total 10K Subscribers exist across my various platforms and 80% regularly read my Newsletters, I can only assume that you like what you read.
Like most Consultants I operate with clients usually measured in months. However, more and more Finance professionals are reaching out to me to sense check their Finance Transformation approach, bounce ideas off me and gain deeper insights on the Topics I cover in my Videos. They don't want a full Program delivery but they do want to sense check their approach with a knowledgeable and experienced Change Leader as not everyone has done this before.
Typically, these discussions last 90 minutes to 2 hours. I usually do them by Teams or by Phone. The requests generally follow the path of my Video topics because they struck a cord and people want to explore a particular topic in more detail, but relevant to their particular circumstances and the current stage of their project.
Therefore, I have decided to offer this as a Service and publicise it because people tend to be surprised at how much they can learn in 2 hours, but were afraid to ask. We can all be slightly shy sometimes about sense checking our approach but I don't need to run your Project for you to talk through with you what is bothering you.
As of today I formally launch my 'Program Clinics' where you can Book a 1:1 with me to discuss what is on your mind, at any stage in your Program. There is a charge which is commensurate with the time involved but for Subscribers that is £250 plus VAT with the Promo Code 'TFWMR'. I am not concerned if we overrun the 2 hours because in my experience that is the typical length of these discussions, the price will remain fixed.
Later today I will update my new Website for this so you can reach out easily but you are also welcome to DM me.
Over the last 3 months I have, by design, set out to share as much knowledge and content as possible and to this end I created the Newsletter and the Podcast which now sit in their own Website:
If you never met me, worked with me or heard one of my speeches then you may not know the core tenets by which I believe Programs should be run. Indeed I have used them all in live environments with Clients as I am no armchair theorist, I practice what I preach.
I am in the lucky position that I have seen multiple program environments and scenarios which puts me in the best place possible to discuss your challenges with you. I live and breathe Finance but my general business acumen and knowledge goes much wider than that so don't feel constrained to contact me only about Finance.
Over the years I have worked with Mark Saywell a close friend and Associate. We always say I do the Organisation & Change and Mark does the Tech. Mark has agreed to join this offering to focus on the right Business Systems for your Finance function, so I can put you in touch with Mark on the same basis as per above, just reach out by DM or via the Website by tomorrow.
We have collaborated on multiple Projects at Deloitte, Dawsongroup, Interserve, University of Greenwich and Rimes Technologies to name but a few.
I hope you find the latest Service Offering of Benefit and we look forward to seeing you at a Program Clinic soon. I also hope you see the Benefit of the Newsletter in directly helping you Transform Finance.
Best Regards,