Launching a Grass Root Initiative

Launching a Grass Root Initiative

?The day has come to launch our request to the community?for Catering to the Community- The C3 Family are excited to start soliciting?support from our global community.

?As our Roots are in Catering - it pains me to not have the ability?to feed so many that we see hungry and homeless in our?community.?

?The launch of?our initiative?will assist?with ;

  • ???Youth Empowerment- offer culinary classes with local chefs to learn life skills. Also, with assistance for school supplies. (offering sessions 4 times per months) Funds will help with supplies, rental of kitchen space, and stipend for youth participating) Goal; Servsafe Certifications, job placement?
  • ???Homeless NC-?a campaign to offer lunch & dinner to our local families in need. (Providing socks and toiletries) Food offerings will be provided twice a week as supplies & funds will allow.
  • ???Resume Building?Sessions for ages. 14 – 25. Offered by volunteer educators.?
  • ??Free Popup?with community-based organizations providing information along with free services to be offered monthly (Covid, Dental, Blood Pressure and STI ie )??
  • Financial?Independence- Partnering with local branch of PNC Bank to offer sessions on Business?& Personal Banking- Credit?etc

?Let's all share the attached letter with?businesses, churches, community?leaders to help?build our grassroots initiative.

Catering 2 The Community has launched a campaign asking for local support to fund our community activities. We desire donations of any size .Our Fundraiser is currently searching for 3000 givers donating $30. Once this goal is met C2C will provide the ability to complete each of our programs?for ?the first year . ?Your investment will support new success storied in our communities! The C2C family thank you for your thoughts, prayers & contributions.



?For all that can and will we are able to accept donations via our ?QR code below,?cashapp?$C2Community or via check made payable to:

?Catering to The Community

5205 Capital Blvd

Raleigh NC 27616.

ph: 984.200.9414 web: email:[email protected]


