Launching The First Quarter Of The Year
Kerry George
CEO at CIBN Connect - Vice President Of Communications at A Better Calgary Party, Author, Global Business Mentor
Are we launching our year? Or are we launching the next ninety days?
Many people start out the year, thinking about their goals. Some set resolutions, but resolutions generally are not achieved. That's because we're really not that resolved to get it done. Goal setting is more effective than making a resolution.
Goal setting is even more effective if we pre-plan what the goals are going to be before it is time to sit down and make the goals.
We do a Quarter Launch every 90 days in our business and we help other business owners to do it as well at CIBN Connect. We find this to be more useful than doing an annual projection. Creating annual goals without having regular check ups, is not going to get us further in our achievements. Writing all of our goals down and putting them into a book, and then setting that book onto a shelf somewhere is an exercise in futility. Goals need to be created, and then they need to be managed. Whatever we do not manage, will not thrive.?
That is why we want to do a year's plan, but we also want to really work out what is going to happen in the next ninety days. Then in the next quarter, we will sit down and go over our goals and see what we have accomplished, and create goals for the second quarter of the year in March.?
Most of the people that we do goal setting with are small business owners, entrepreneurs and busy professionals. This means that they are not only making their goals for their company, they are often also making goals for their health, their relationships, and other areas of their lives. Therefore, all of the goal setting processes that we show them how to use are useful in every aspect of their lives.
Making a ninety day plan and sticking to the plan requires focus. Most goal setting programs talk about using smart goals and this does help because we put some thought into the process. This is what a SMART GOAL looks like:
Realistic and Relevant
Time Bound
Creating a strategic measurable goal and putting a time limit on it is helpful, but not if we let life derail us. One has to understand that distractions are going to come at us and we need to make a plan on what we are going to do when distractions happen. This is all part of the goal setting process. Without considering how to maintain focus in a world of distractions is going to cause failure in our goal accomplishment.
Time management is also important. We can make the best goals in the world, but if we lose focus, and we can't manage our time, how is that goal accomplishment going to go?
Without having a plan for time management, we are going to fail.?
Generally, when people set goals and they don't accomplish them, they start to feel bad about goal setting. Then they stop goal setting.?
At Quarter Launch, we go over all of the reasons why our goals have not been met in the past and we create a plan to accomplish our goals better in the future. We do use SMART GOALS, but then we manage them in a smart way because that is a lot smarter than writing them down and forgetting about them next week.
Goal setting is so much more than SMART GOALS. It takes making a plan and then working the plan. Accountability is a big missing piece, and having a place to come back to in 90 days keeps the needle moving forward. Goals are attained one step at a time. It is doing the little things over and over that brings the larger successes.
Join us at Quarter Launch January 10th at 9:30 Mountain Time until 3:30 pm online. Spend the day setting up your year and your quarter right.